MEXICAN FIRE BARREL CACTUS (Ferocactus stainesii) 10 seeds

Ferocactus stainesii, known as the Mexican Fire Barrel Cactus, is a lovely cactus that is native to Mexico.

F. stainesii is a simple or clumping barrel/column cactus with thick red spines. In habitat plants must be a great age, often forming into quite massive groups, with several subsidiary barrels growing from the main one, with deep green bodies densely covered with bright red spines up its entire length. 

Most plants have bright red spines with bristlelike, white radials—a wonderful contrast, but in some populations the white bristles are occasionally absent. 


Stems are columnar deep green up to 2.4 metres tall and 30 to 40cm in diameter, with several subsidiary barrels growing from the main one.

Ribs: 13-20, compressed, more or less ondulate.

Areoles: Distant to closely set and almost contiguous in older specimens, circular.

Radial spines: Sometime absent or usually reduced to long white or straw coloured hairs on the areoles that appears later with age.

Central spines: Several, subulate-acicular, stright or slightly curved, more or less flattened and angular at first bright red/purplish becoming dull yellow with age, but some populations also boast yellow-spined individuals, and the white bristles are occasionally absent.

Flowers: Yellow to red, about 2.5cm long.

Keep dry at 10°C in winter, but can tolerate sporadic light frost.

For sale is a packet of 10 seeds.


Combined Postage/Shipping:

If you purchase multiple packets of seeds then they will be posted/shipped in the cheapest envelope or parcel rate available. What you pay is what Australia Post charges me, plus a small handling fee to cover packing materials. Final postage total does depend on the seed varieties purchased as some species have larger/heavier seeds than others so cost more to post. I don't automatically charge extra for each purchase and in many cases a number of packets of seeds can be posted/shipped for just the one initial postage charge. 

To get combined postage just make each purchase on Ebay but don't press the 'Pay Now' button after each purchase. Once you have finished buying, then press the 'Pay Now' button and an option appears at the top that says 'Request Total'. Press this one and I then get an email to tell me to combine the items into one invoice for combined postage. I then send you a final invoice for payment.

Payment Options:

Australian buyers: Paypal, Bank Deposit or Money Order.

International buyers: Paypal is the only payment method accepted.
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