HALLOWEEN GLITTER SHAKERS - Our spell-binding glitters are a quick and easy way to add glamour to Halloween! With 6 eye-popping colours to dazzle and delight: Blood Red, Midnight Black, Poison Purple, Pumpkin Orange, Wicked White, and Zombie Green

      PREMIUM QUALITY, COSMETIC GRADE - Add bewitching and enchanting sparkle to your Halloween get-up with our handy, pocket-sized glitter shakers. With this stand-out glitz for face, hair and body you’ll easily charm without the need for spells!

      SCARILY EASY TO USE - Safe, fuss-free application using our Moon Glitter Fixing Gels and Fixatives for long-lasting looks. Just remove with water when you’re done

      FEEL-GOOD - Vegan-friendly and kind on skin, our cosmetically certified Moon Terror Glitter leaves no haunting trails, leaving you free to do your worst…

      THE FULL SPECTRE - The full iconic Moon Terror range of Halloween paints and special effects make-up is magnificently macabre and magical. Grab yours right now and create your own fright night full of tricks and treats! 

Looking for frightfully good Halloween makeup and effects? BEWARE! You have now entered the twilight zone of Moon Terror where you can bring all your ghostly imaginings to life!


Spook with Sparkle!


You don’t need to be a make-up pro to create eye-catching Halloween effects with Moon Terror Halloween Glitter Shakers. Wickedly formulated, comfortable to wear and long lasting, it’s easy to bring glamour to the party!


With 6 crazy colours for inspiration, you’ll find the perfect match for jazzing up your Halloween look. Who said you can’t scare with style?! Whether witch, warlock or something equally magical, you can shimmer and shine all night long.


Their safe and fuss-free application makes Moon Terror Glitter the perfect way to add extra detail and design to your face, body and hair. When the fun is over, your sparkle is easily removed using just water - no magic potion needed!


Made in the UK Moon Terror Glitter Shakers are formulated to the highest standards and are EU, FDA and Health Canada compliant. What’s more, our entire range is free from fragrances, parabens and SLS too.


So good, you’d be off your broomstick to use anything else!

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