These adorable pineapple heated hand warmers will keep you hands nice and toasty warm when outside. One for each hand, they come with 2 re-usable click and heat warmers which are inserted into each pineapple knitted hand warmer.

The knitted cover is 10% lambswool and 90% acrylic.
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Click and Heat Gel Pads - To activate the heat gel pad - Hold the metal disc inside the heat gel pad between your thumb and forefinger and bend it gently until it clicks. The solution will crystallize and release heat. Massaging the pack will help to maximise the heat given from the heat gel pad.To Reactivate the heat gel pad - When the heat gel pad is cold and hard, place in a pan of boiling water and simmer for approx.. 10-15 minutes or until all of the crystals disappear. Allow water to cool down before removing. Be careful when removing from the water as the pad may be hot. Once it is cooled, it’s ready for you to use again.