These beautiful little dolls are twin porcelain "Bubbles" dolls, which I know very little about.   So going strictly by observation, they have a porcelain face, hands, and legs, with stuffed cloth bodies.  They have curly light sandy brown hair adored with pink ribbons, hand painted eyebrows, real eyelashes on the top lid, big beautiful blue eyes, a little button nose, rosy cheeks, and lips made as if to blow bubbles.  They measure approximately 11" tall and are unmarked as far as I can tell and are wearing their original outfits. 

One twin has a more pinkish colored lips, with a cream colored floral dress adorned with rosettes, with matching pantaloons, and beige buckle shoes.  She comes with a bubble wand with a bubble coming off of it in one hand and a bottle of bubbles in the other.  Her legs are less bent to allow her to sit on her 3-legged white stool.  The other twin has more coral colored lips, with a white colored floral dress adorned with rosettes, with matching pantaloons, and white buckle shoes.  She comes with a yellow bubble catcher and sits flat on the floor.  Both dolls have glass bubbles randomly placed on their clothes and one on top of their head and on their left shoulder. 

Shipping within the continental US only; sold as is; props not included.