Spectrum 10mm transformers including replacements for some popular TOKO coils.  These are available in a series, 0.6, 1.2, 2.6, 5.3, 11, 23, 45, & 90uH.  Several are available in two versions, one with primary winding tapped a quarter total turns and secondary with low impedance winding and are designated with an L. 

The L version is ideal to use as an aerial input coil or the coil in a Hartley oscillator.

The other types are with centre tapped primary and medium impedance secondary and are designated by an H.

The 11uL coil has minimum inductance of 5uH and maximum 15uH, it has 7t 1-2, 23t 2-3, so has 30t 1-3, and 2t secondary. The Q is 80 at 3.6MHz.  For those not adept at calculating resonating capacitance, this coil will resonate with 10pF on 10MHz, with 47pF on 7MHz, with 180pF on 2.65MHz, and with 680pF on 1.8MHz.

The International Tracked Carriage is quite high but it ensures safe and fast delivery.  You can buy up to 10 packs of 5 Spectrum coils from any of the range 1u2H, 2u6L, 2u6H, 5u3HH, 11uL, 23uL, 45uL, 90uL, 105uL and the carriage can be discounted to the same cost as one pack of 5 on request for invoice.  This can only be done using a computer as it doesn't seem possible using a mobile phone.