The Babouche! Golf Alignment Training Aid

✔ Develop more consistent ball striking

✔ Hit fewer bad shots

✔ Shoot better scores

✔ Have more fun on the golf course


The swing alignment towel is the perfect practice ground partner.


This unique yet simple training aid caters for every standard of golfer ensuring perfect practice in all areas, including:

  • Distance from ball measurements

  • Putting stroke accuracy and control

  • Green reading and speed drills

  • Fun and competitive putting games

    • Set-up control for every club & shot 

    • Consistent stance width options

    • Clubface, shaft & body alignment

    • Correct ball position repetition


Basic set up instructions:

STEP 1: Align the towel in the direction you wish to AIM your swing. The number side acts as your BALL TO TARGET LINE and the letter side acts as your BODY LINE. For shorter shots whereby you need to stand closer to the ball (eg. chipping & putting) simply fold the towel over to the required width ensuring both sides of indicia are still visible.

STEP 2: Determine the STANCE WIDTH and BALL POSITION combination that provides you with the best strike, ball flight and consistency for each club and shot type. The letters represent stance width, so if your left big toe is opposite E your right big toe should also be opposite E. The number side represents ball position, with the + numbers being left of centre (forward in stance) and the – numbers being right of centre (back in stance).

STEP 3: Once you have determined the correct stance width and ball position the towel stripes will assist you in aligning the CLUBFACE and SHAFT correctly.

It doesn't matter what club or shot you are attempting to hit always ensure both feet are opposite the same letter. This way you know for sure that the positive numbers are forward in stance & the negative numbers are back in the stance. This eliminates the guess work or destructive block practice. The majority of students we work with have the ball further back in the stance than they realise resulting in poor spine alignment at address and a weak pressure shift during the swing.

The TeeTowel can be used as a reference point for takeaway control and repetition. (-) numbers = outside and (+) numbers = inside. It provides a reference point from the eyes of the player and helps them understand the difference between feel and real (coach assistance recommended)

Improve Your Short Game with the Babouche! Swing Alignment Towel

Use the Swing Alignment Towel for Putting Practice
Linking stroke length to putt length for improved & consistent tempo, the key to holing more putts when you have a good read. As well as using the TeeTowel to measure the takeaway length it also ensures the ball position & shaft location is maintained at address to ensure a consistent roll off the putter face.

Use the Swing Alignment Towel for Chipping Practice
When working on your standard chipping fundamentals we recommend set up formula A0, although it's crucial that you vary your AOA & club selection during your practice sessions to prepare for every situation around the greens

This unique and simple training aid works for every standard of golfer who is serious about improving their game. Make every practice shot count by repeating the key basics of lining up your shot correctly every time:

  • Set-up control for every club & shot type
  • Consistent stance width options
  • Clubface, shaft & body alignment
  • Correct ball position repetition
  • Distance from ball measurements
  • Putting stroke accuracy & length control
  • Green reading and speed drills
  • Fun and competitive putting games