Dried Mullein Leaves:

Mullein has been used medicinally since ancient times for coughs and chest problems, and its use and popularity only seem to be increasing as time goes on. 

The leaves, flowers and roots of the mullein plant are used medicinally for the treatment of various inflammatory diseases (including the ears), diarrhea, asthma, coughs and other lung-related ailments. 

Mullein contains flavonoids, saponins, tannins, terpenoids, glycosides, carbohydrates, proteins, fats and oils. Mullein also contains approximately 3 percent mucilage, which is thought to be responsible for the soothing actions that mullein has on the body's mucous membranes. 
Mullein's saponins are believed to be the explanation for mullein's expectorant actions. 

Other Names: Common Mullein, Great Mullein, Candlewick, Candelaria, Feltwort, Hare's Beard, Blanket Mullein, Quaker Rouge, Torches, Our Lady's Flannel, Velvet Dock, Blanket Herb, Aaron's Rod, Feltwort, Fluffweed, Old Man's Flannel & Hag's Taper. 

 We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.


Please note: Mullein Leaf is strictly meant to be used as a TEA & not for SMOKING. Anyone who misuses this product then we will not be held responsible.