ANYCUBIC Kobra Max/Kobra Plus FDM 3D Drucker Automatischer Nivellierung 4,3"TFT
 anycubic kobraANYCUBIC KOBRA MAXanycubic kobra plusanycubic Filament 1.75 pla
  Kobra Kobra Max Kobra Plus PLA Schwarz
Beheizte Build-Platte
Bereich aufbauen
9.8'' x 8.7'' x 8.7'' 17.7'' x 15.7 ''x 15.7'' 13.8'' x 11.8'' x 11.8'' N/A
Nivellierung Typ
Auto-Nivellierung Auto-Nivellierung Auto-Nivellierung N/A
Layer Auflösung
±0.1mm ±0.1mm ±0.1mm N/A
Druck Geschwindigkeit ≤ 180mm/s ≤ 180mm/s ≤ 180mm/s N/A



anycubic kobra 3d-drucker

Kobra Plus


anycubic kobra plus 3d drucker

Kobra Max

ANYCUBIC Kobra Max Automatischer Nivellierung 3D DRUCKER
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Who are we?

Founded in 2015, Anycubic has become one of the most popular 3D printer brands in the market, with around 300 employees
based in China.But, we didn’t start fancy as it seems to look today. 

 "Graduated in 2015, I came back to China from New Zealand. I was so
excited and full of curiosity when landed in Shenzhen the first time”, James , 
co-founder of Anycubic and a Ph.D of University of Auckland said. 

"Lu Ouyang, Anycubic’s Founder and CEO, is my childhood friend. 
He had a company before Anycubic providing electronic modules 
and 3D printer accessories for over 4 years.3D printer itself wasn’t 
our first choice. We hadn’t even had the confidence to rush in. 
But after seeing clients increasingly relying on us for key components 
of their DIY printers, We realized we could do it, and do it much better.”

“I didn’t think much but only hope to explore more possibilities 
with the 3D printing technology. There is nothing to be afraid of. So why not make a difference.” Ouyang added. 

In 2015, Anycubic was founded, without much hesitation. 

“Following our heart is important. But the real world is harsh. 
There were so many up and downs. We cannot remember how 
many sleepless nights out there at the early stage.” 
Anycubic founders said.

After a whole year’s hard work, the 1st model Anycubic Mega came on board 
in2016. Fortunately our work paid off. Mega became so popular in the market 
in a short period of time and our journey as a professional 3D printer maker 
officially started. We all were amazed and excited but we did not stop there. 
The second and third generations were launched soon after along the way..

3Dream, for freedom to make

Indeed, 3D printing technologies can do a lot. But first of all we believe 3D printers should be accessible and affordable 
to all instead of being rocket science and beyond budget. We believe each one of us deserves the freedom to make our ideas, 
creativity and imagination a reality. Anycubic is committed to being one of the best choices for freedom to make. 

Side by side with you, we know we will make it.

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Am 26.10.2022 hat der Verkäufer die folgenden Angaben hinzugefügt:
