Vamoose! is the original and best solution to eliminating smoke odors permanently.  Many other products simply mask the odors for the short term.  Not Vamoose!  Many people don't realize the lingering smell doesn't come from the immediate airborne contaminates, it's the residues that are left behind which absorb into fabrics or create a layer on surfaces of objects, walls, clothing, carpets, and more.

Vamoose! works by attacking the source of the problem by eliminating that residue of tar and nicotine.  This conversions process is safe and highly effective when treated properly.  Depending upon how smoked out the environment is you may have to start with one application then follow up with a second application if the odor still lingers  weeks later.  Ultimately when it comes to cigarette odor removers Vamoose! is your 1st choice for permanent elimination of smoke odors from homes, apartments, cars, RV's, fabrics, carpets, walls, drapes, and more.