CAUTION: Recently many unauthorized sellers are listing counterfeited AlphaSense resin products on Ebay and other platforms. AlphaSense is the sole manufacturer and vendor of our resin products, and there is no authorized reseller within USA. Buyers need to be cautious about those fraudulent activities! 

What you are purchasing is AlphaSense's dental model resin, which has the following characteristics:
  1. Fast curing. No matter what type of printer you are using (i.e. DLP, SLA and LCD), a model can be fabricated with a very high speed of ~1-2 inches/hour. For users with a DLP printer, each layer of ~100 micrometer thickness can be cured within 5 to 10 seconds. Users with LCD printers may need to use longer exposure time (e.g. 18 to 36 seconds). The resin has a relatively low viscosity, thus allowing one to use a short (1-2 seconds) resin immersion and settling time.
  2. Smooth surface finish. Dental models fabricated with the resin product have very smooth surfaces. The surface finish is generally too smooth to visually differentiate layer boundaries even if a relatively rough (i.e. 100 micron) step size/resolution was used. It should be noted that all the sample models were printed using a layer resolution of 100 micron for the capability demonstration. Even better surface finishes can be achieved if a higher layer resolution is used. For dental model applications, a layer resolution of 100 micron is typically sufficient;
  3. No post curing is needed. The cured 3D models are robust enough and mechanically strong. They can even survive serval drop testing from about 3 feet above a hardwood floor. Post processing methods, such as sanding and polishing can be applied to the prints, if desired.
  4. The cream color of the prints makes it possible to directly write/draw on the prints for denture design.The color of the print is also highly compatible with virtually all the dental 3D scanners as the the surface has the right reflectivity for efficient capture of 3D point clouds.
  5. Low odor. Our unique material selection makes the material very low odor, which is drastically different from the resins supplied by some other vendors.
  6. Low/zero volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
In addition to dental model fabrications, the resin can also be used for other applications which require an opaque color, easily- painted surface and mechanically strong parts.

Each batch of resins was fully tested before it was shipped to our customers to ensure the best printing quality at a highly competitive price!
Please note that the filler materials in the model resin may sink and stick to the bottom of the bottle. Please use a stirrer bar/stick to reach to the bottom to agitate before pouring it to the resin tank. An extra step of mixing/blending using an electric mixer/blender is highly recommended to ensure good print quality.

Note: Overseas customers may have to pay the import tax to the custom of your  country.