Fred Astaire and Cyd Charisse in 1953. With reprinted autographs! The photograph is a Canon Archival Quality Semi-Gloss Photo Print from an original photograph. 

Reprinted from vintage original.

First Class Shipping in US. See Ebay Global Shipping Program for International. 

We sell an extensive variety of historic image reprints, restorations, and card re-creations and are committed to the highest quality for imaging, design, production and customer service. Our simplest and least-expensive card restorations are frequently produced to provide terrific and popular historical images consistent with a period-centric and visually-pleasing aesthetic.

In compliance with eBay’s new policy on autographs we want to be clear with customers that we offer our reprints with autographs as reproductions, and although we base our reproductions on genuine original signatures, we offer these as imprinted or facsimile copies and not originals. 

"Reprint" or “Reproductions” offer an excellent way to enjoy historical public figures or celebrities, and to not spend a fortune on, in many cases, rare collectible originals.