Ban Xia Hou Po Tang (Jia Wei) - 半夏厚朴汤 (加味), Pinellia & Magnolia Combination (Black Pearl).

Actions: Moves the Qi and relieves stagnation, redirects the Qi downward and resolves Phlegm.

Indications: Chronic laryngitis, chronic pharyngitis, hysteria (with globus hystericus), gastro-intestinal neurosis, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD), chronic gastritis, oesophageal spasm, gastrointestinal side effects of chemotherapy.

Key Signs & Symptoms: Sensation of a foreign body stuck in the throat, Symptoms brought on by emotional upset (psychosomatic symptoms), Chest oppression, sighing, Tongue has a moist or greasy white coat, Pulse is wiry and slippery.

DOSAGE: Adults take 8 pills, three times daily, half to one hour before or after meals, with warm water, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.

CONTENTS: 200 Pills Per Bottle

* The information displayed above is for reference only. Please seek advice from your Chinese medicine practitioner before taking this formula *

Due to the Nature of the Product, Change of Mind Return is Not Available!