Ming Mu Di Huang Wan, 明目地黄丸, Rehmannia Formula to Brighten the Eyes (Black Pearl).

Actions: Nourishes the Liver and Kidney Yin, nourishes the Blood and Essence, calms the Liver and subdues the hyperactive Yang, sends Essence and Blood te the eyes to improve eyesight.

Indications: Glaucoma (chronic or open angle), cataract (early stage), optic neuritis, retinitis, optic nerve atrophy, retinal degeneration, macular degeneration, dry eyes due to Sjogren’s syndrome, hypertension.

Key Signs & Symptoms: Poor vision, Dry eyes, Sense of pressure in or behind the eyes, Signs of Liver & Kidney Yin deficiency, Dry tongue with little or no coat, Pulse is thready.

DOSAGE: Adults take 8 pills with warm water, three times daily, at least half an hour before or one hour after food, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.

* Discontinue during an episode of common cold or influenza.

CONTENTS: 200 Pills Per Bottle

* The information displayed above is for reference only. Please seek advice from your Chinese medicine practitioner before taking this formula.

Due to the Nature of the Product, Change of Mind Return is Not Available!