This data DVD contains 1.6GB of Govt training manuals. 1000s of printable pages to learn such subjects as:
1. Engineering
2. Survival, evasion, recovery
3. Risk management
4. Boxing.
5, Electronics
6. Sniper.
7. HVAC course
8. Intelligence
9. First aid.
10. Martial arts
11. Electricity.
12. PT.
13. Diving.
14, Underwater welding and diving.
15. Leadership
16. Biological.
17. Interrogation.
18. Machinist.
19  Energy, nuclear.
20. Railroads.
21. Solar energy.
22. Navigation.
23. MP police.
24. Mountaineering.
25. Gas Turbines.
26. UFO manuals.
27. Counter Intelligence
28. Scouting.
29. Cold weather survival.
30. Field training manuals.
31. Leadership.
32. Recon.
33. Construction.
34. Remote Viewing.
35. Theodolite training

 Plus dozens more. Thousand upon thousands of pages in these govt manuals non copyrighted manuals.

The Manuals / books on this DATA DVD are Government Publications which are free of copyright restrictions.  This media resides within the Public Domain as defined by the United States Copyright Office. This listing complies with all eBay rules n regulations.