💯 Human Hair Permanent Handmade Loc Extensions 
Custom made just for you.  (Message Us For Additional Size Colors and Quantity Options)

All locs are individually handmade using afro kinky human hair.

Whether you are looking for instant length, looking to skip that "ugly phase" or needing repair we got you. The extensions are made to look and feel like matured naturally grown locs. No 2 locs are exactly alike.  

So these are perfect to replace those missing locs.

Multiple colors and sizes to fit any style or existing locs out there.

Locs are sold in bundles of ten. When you select your quantity you are selecting the number of BUNDLES you want. All hair can be washed, conditioned and styled as usual.


Are you turning away clients because :

You can't give your customers what they want, you don't have the time to make 120 locs. Or you just don't know-how.

Let us solve this problem for you. Stop turning away 💰.

Handmade just for you and your clients.


1- How do I take care of my loc extensions?  Being that these are made with 100% human hair

care would be the same as your own.  It is always a good idea to seek the advise of the loctician

installing them for you

2- How to install?  There are numerous ways yoou can install the locs ranging from glued, sewed 

in and crotcheted.  Please consult a professional if unsure.

3-  Can these be washed or dyed?  Yes 

4- Is this human hair?  Yes 100%

5-  Why does it take so long to get my order?  All orders are handmade just for you. 

On the average it takes an hour to make 3-5 locs. Also remember orders are processed first come first created. We do out best to exceed your expectations.  So getting them sooner can happen.  

6- How many bundles do I need? This truly depends on what you are trying to accopmplish and the size you are ordering.  If you are extending the length you would count how many you have and order that number.  Remeber this answer is the norm however you may find that you need more or less based on your actual hair. 

Full Head- Small : 12 Bundles or more 

                  Medium: 10 bundles or more 

                  Large: 6 bundles or more

7- Are these permenant locs? They are meant to be permenant but keep in mind the installation method may vary which may effect if they can be removed or not. 

8- Are these shipped from the US?  Yes 

9- Can I add this to existing locs?  Yes and again installation methods can vary. 

10-  Do you offer installation?  We do, providing you are local. Installation would be an additional cost.