This is for a 100 mm dia Acrylic coaster. 


These are printed on 140g white card then inserted into a two part acrylic coaster. They are great for getting the point across and also pretty useful for putting your cup on!

They are for fun and inspiration.

For Him...

This is it... the end of all reasons... What do we do next? The last excuse gone... No more will the words be heard... "I'll get a Round Tuit...soon" Well "Soon" has arrived... This little gem has ruined every peaceful Sunday afternoon in the pub watching the cricket on the green with your mates, maybe even playing if you feel inclined... It has also stolen the Saturday afternoon sport on TV marathon... there will be no corner of our lives that will remain unaffected by the arrival of this "little Gem." Gone will be hours of tinkering in the garage or shed, we will be reduced to putting up shelves, fixing the tumble dryer, unblocking the sink (my personal favourite), re tiling the bathroom, power washing the patio, cleaning the car, washing the hamster/dog, cleaning out the rabbit, visiting the mother in law? Yes this item could be used against us in all manner of ways... I suggest we get together and buy as many as possible to clear the market of them and resume normal service, or more to the point the lack of service... I suggest a withdrawal of labour and favours, no more flowers, chocolates, perfume, jewellery, dinners out, new cars, clothes... No, gone are the days of male suppression, we must stand and fight or our power will be gone forever.

PICK UP The sword my fellow men and lets be gone with them... (Best check the freezer first to make sure we have provisions!)

Must dash as I am being called... sorry

For Her...

I have just caught him writing the above drivel and have sent him packing, well into the garden to finish the lawn anyway... I have a full set of these six in fact as they seem to mysteriously get lost, from time to time... I originally had a key ring and gave it to him as a stocking filler, it worked for about ten minutes, all he kept mumbling was "this is the end...gone...freedom lost" and other such rubbish...All I want is a few odd jobs doing and the sink unblocking, I see that even gets a mention in his "effort". 

Girls it is time we stood together and placed no more feeble excuses at their feet, no more patience, no more tolerance, just NO MORE... time has run out... Forget the cricket, forget the footy, drinking with mates, get some of the jobs you promised... I remember the "honeymoon period" just after we started going out together, nothing was too much trouble, he would have moved the house three inches to the left if I had asked, now I can't even get him to take the bin out... He thinks it is automatic...Yeh right... As for mowing the lawn...OMG... you would think I was asking for him to climb Mount Everest, without a sherpa even... surely even he can see the dog is barely able to go up the garden without a sat nav now... wash the car! don't make me laugh... I long gave up with that as an idea... I now manage to fit that in with a full time job, kids, pets, house cleaning, shopping, cooking, washing, ironing, finding the items he has lost ( a set of tools must be one of them...) and then there is the bedroom... fitted wardrobes (what did you think I meant?) chance, a mere pipe dream... he just puts more clothing on the top of the dresser... 

So will it work? That is the important question isn't it? I am not sure it has any magical powers but what it has done is tug at the strings of his heart and caused the slightest twinge of embarassment to be shown at his total lack of ... well total lack really, we have now nearly got the lawn mown (the dog is over whelmed) some shelves went up the other week and things are looking better...   I will try and keep you posted as to the long term effect but to be honest it has at least saved me spending time removing tea rings from the glass on the table so it was at least useful... Keep up the spirit girls, a little less tonic is the answer! xx

We also sell this item as a key ring and this was an accompanying letter we sent to a regular client...

Dear David,                                                                             23rd February 2012

We thought we should send a covering note to explain that we take only a very limit liability for the accuracy in the description of this product. There are some issues that will probably be raised during its usage and we feel that a few carefully chosen words now could save us from very expensive litigation later in the day.

The Round tuit key ring (referred to from now on as “the item” ) shall in no way be held responsible for the failure of the owner, or registered keeper, to complete or even begin any task that he, or she has not already undertaken. Tasks already undertaken will not be covered by our guarantee and no promise of success or even reduction of nagging is implied nor offered. Even if you do the job, no promise of sexual favour is implied either.

We do suggest that the “item” will be most suitable for placing your keys upon and having a laugh down the local with, it will also inspire you when cornered about the job you promised to do before the season started and that somehow still remains untouched. You may use the term...”yes, I will get round to it”,(limited liability implied).

A very useful idea has been forwarded to us by a trusted consumer who stated without prejudice that he did not put his shed key on it as it would have removed the excuse of “I have lost the key to the shed love and all my tools are inside it!” We have also heard rumour that some personal injury has been sustained due to much nagging and general baiting where the one being nagged has finally broken and been reduced to spats of violence. The vendor cannot be held responsible for raised expectation by the giver.

Finally we would like to congratulate you on your choice of key ring and hope it gives you many hours of fun and proves a most useful addition to your life.

We offer many other gems on key rings and badges and urge you to wander through our ebay shop and browse until your little heart is content... and buy more of course.

Well... its time for me to actually do some more work and try and complete the suite of wedding stationery that I have been trying to get round to, maybe a coffee first then more work.

Good luck with the job list and please remember the difference between a reason and an excuse is... we give reasons and receive excuses...

Kind regards                                                     


Any coins or stamps shown are not included in the sale and are for size comparison only.