Ground Cover / Scatter

We were looking for a high volume ground cover as we wanted to almost cover an 8X4 sheet of baseboard as a scalextric layout.

But as per normal we could only find small bags. This would have cost a fortune and so we looked for an alternative.

As per normal someone saw what we were doing and asked us if we could make them some... 

Here it is!
Meadow green... We suggest you try a sample first at 99p then go for the amount you require... We have listed up to 500g yes half a 

I think this was a little less than we used in the end but we made hedges and the like from it too...

To make the hedges we cut strips of foam out and then rough clipped them, they then got dipped in a container full of white glue and water mix 50/50 then (the messy bit) we used a newspaper to roll them in the scatter... the result was more than acceptable but I do think next time I will dye the foam first as it took me a few goes to cover the foam.

We will be adding more colours very soon. There is a scorched earth brown mix and a darker green, we also made a brown tinged with orange, look really good.

Many thanks for your time and may we wish you modelling fun for the coming season.

Regards Stuart & Jo xx

More colours to follow

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