Acnetone is super absorbent and non-stick oil. Acne comes in different forms and blemishes come in various sizes. Whether you’re fighting cystic acne that forms deep down in your pores due to your hormones raging out of control. People of all ages are affected by occasional breakouts and chronic acne plagues. Acnetone (30 ml) is here here to help.

The main causes of acne include clogged pores, bacteria, excess oil production and dead skin. Other factors, such as hormones, diet, stress and certain medications, such as corticosteroids, androgens, birth control pills and lithium, can also worsen acne. The UV rays can make your skin more sensitive and may lead to skin irritations or redness. If using any of these essential oils causes skin irritation, do not use that oil; try a gentler oil like lavender instead. Acne-prone skin is sensitive. Washing more than twice a day can irritate your skin, making acne worse. 

For best results, dermatologists recommend washing your face when:

¨ You wake up

¨ You're ready to go to bed

¨ It gets sweaty