Toy-ball "our blue planet Earth" – soft, stress toy

  • Soft, elastic, foam, rubber-like synthetics
  • Diameter: ca. 7 cm

Caution, choking hazard
Not suitable for children under 3 years of age
Swallowable small parts

The Earth rotates prograde eastward once around its axis relative to the fixed stars in 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.09 seconds. This period of time is called a sidereal day analogous to the sidereal year. Because the Earth also orbits the Sun in a prograde direction, and is therefore in a slightly different position to the Sun the next day, a sidereal day is somewhat shorter than a solar day, which is defined as the time between two solar highs (noon) and is divided into 24 hours.

At earth-equator one point has a speed of 464 m/s resp. 1670 km/h because of its own rotation. The Earth's axis of rotation is inclined at 23°26' to the vertical axis of the ecliptic, which means that the Sun shines on the northern and southern hemispheres differently at different points on the Earth's orbit, resulting in the seasons that shape the Earth's climate.
