Shungite Unpolished 10cm Pyramid

Shungite is a natural stone that has healing properties. They  contain Carbon & Quarts as well as some other minerals  which are great sources of shungite. This product can be placed near any EMF device to help reduce the harmful rays. Please rise shungite in water as there may be residual powder from the cutting process (this is harmless to touch). These stones are hand cut which does not guarantee 2 products with the same shape,colour or styles, This will not effect potency as it is the properties of the stone which provides the benefits. 

Shungite is an amazing stone 2 billion years old, folklore says it came down on a meteorite and possess mystical powers which no other stone on earth has, shungite stones composition is of carbon and is only found in one place in the world the Zazhoginsky deposit in the Republic of Karelia, Russia, people in this area have consumed shungite water as they believe it offers health benefits for hundreds of years.

Scientific studies have found that shungite has a complicated mix on carbon molecules called "Shungite Fullerenes" that attract and neutralize elements from EMF’s which bombard our bodies on a daily basis! What Are Our Bodies Been Bombarded With? Everywhere we go we are near electrical devices such as TV sets, Laptops, Wifi and mobile phones which are stuck to the majority of the population everywhere we go, all these devices emit emf radiation Electrical-Magnetic Frequencies and now 5g is been rolled out where the connection will be at close proximity running through led street lights which crazy connection speeds or internet 100 times faster than 4g. There have been multiple studies about wireless emf radiation which is no good for our body.

There are 2 types of shungite:

1) Regular black has shungite 60% of carbon

2) Elite or noble metallic silver shungite 95% carbon The high concentration of carbon the more powerful the shungite:

Naturesupplies offer our customers a vast array of shungite products from pyramids, cubes, powder, jewellery and also elite noble shungite pieces which sell very quickly. All our shungite is sourced from authentic shungite suppliers who assure high quality. Our shungite powder is used as filtration for water or made into a paste for massages. In scientific studies, shungite is 30 times more effective than regular carbon for removing harmful chemicals, heavy metals and contaminants found in drinking water.