Avalokiteshvara Ultra Protection For You and Your Family Orgon Radionics Reiki

Your protection against physical and occult aggressions


Day by day we start to realize that we live in a wild world, that brings us challenges every day. We living in fear and anxiety that something bad might happen, that we might become the victim of a physical or magical aggression. Every day we witness our world becoming worse because of poverty and disappointments generally. People become bad, lose their temper easily and commit unfixeable gestures.

Seldom we found ourselves frozen, with no reaction becoming a helpless victim. What is left to do? We can only protect ourselves, but many times this is almost impossible


Also,most of us have children. We become troubled by the same thoughts, whenever they leave for school, we think that everything is possible and that we cannot always protect them , to be by their side in case something bad happens.An unsecure world leads to an unsafe way of living and unfortunately this is the world we live in a world with no guarantees.


About Avalokiteshvara


Avalokiteshvara is a tool specifically designed to thwart physical and occult attacks. It has two modules, the family module-which is designed to provide protection for up to three family members, as well as a master mode, where all the power is concentrated in the machine to ensure maximum protection of one person. And that?s what we offer - security and the possibility to have a guarantee that a possible aggression can be avoided.  That a violent person or a spell can crash into an invisible wall surrounding you or your family and house and will withdraw.


To summarize, this device, contains the following:

The main piece ? red carved cinnabar with bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara infused with five powerful mantras for protection.


3 crystals infused with the same mantras


Avalokiteshvara Protection Mantras




-Mata Baglamukhi-

-Sarva Karya Siddhi Baglamukhi-

-Shiva Raksha-

 In order to make the mantric fields active, we used Biorgone Atman Chamber.You are obviously asking yourselves how can that be possible, we will explain.


What is a mantra?


A mantra is an instrument of the mind - a powerful sound or vibration that you can use to enter a deep state of meditation. But the mantra can also be used to accelerate a state of being and to bring benefits of all kinds.A correctly used mantra can definitely transform a person's life for an indefinite period. In other words, the benefits of the mantra are immense for those who are aware of the power of these words or phrases said in Sanskrit. As we were saying, the last-generation radionics machines  invented by us has the power to infuse a crystal or even other natural materials ? metal, wood,stone - with the immense power of a mantra.


Biorgone Atman Chamber


Biorgone Atman Chamber is a radionics machine with a huge infusion capacity, and incorporates both modern and occult. Each piece is infused for a certain amount of time, depending on its capacity and the set of mantras chosen.This takes place at a particular time of the month while taking into account the most suited astrological hours-tagvas- to achieve a certain kind of action. All in all, this type of piece infused through the Biorgone Atman Chamber becomes a friend and ally which will constantly bring in your gravitational field all the synchronicities  required to fulfill your desire-full protection in this case.


All you need to do is to have Avalokiteshvara amulet in your house,on a wall,and to keep with you in your wallet one of the crystal included.Simple.


You need safety, let us help you



First you have to leave the machine opened in the sunlight for three full days in order to be cleaned of the foreign auric waves. The following step is the customization operation ? details below.

The family mode

Avalokiteshvara has three golden pins, each one for every member of the family (mother, father, kids). Each must put a drop of blood/saliva on the golden pin. Then another drop of blood/saliva over the red piece,and one drop on the crystal.One person-one crystal.

The master mode

This module is a more special and dedicated, as I said above, to a single person. The customization is done by putting a drop of blood/saliva in all three golden pins and another drop in the middle of the red piece.Also,drops of blood/saliva over all three crystals.

Next step requires you to put Avalokiteshvara (and the crystals)in the dark(in a drawer) for another three days-for the link with you/family.

After this, the connection between you or your family members will be permanent and Avalokiteshvara becomes active fulfilling its duties for which it was designed-full protection against physical and metaphysical aggressions.You can put Avalokiteshvara on a wall and keep the crystal in the wallet.

Because we want the shipping costs to be at a minimal value, Dasa Mahavidya print will be folded and it will need a few days to regain its shape. After you open the package, place this print between two heavy books for few days.After this,you can frame it and put it your favourite place in home-will bring good auspicions days for your house.



                                                                                                                   In case you want to give Avalokiteshvara as a gift, do not customize it!

In case Avalokiteshvara central piece-red cinnabar-is touched by another person which wasn?t linked with the device, you have to repeat the sun ritual of cleaning and customize it again.


This type of product is unique and because it is customized by bodIly fluids, please think well before you buy it. It is also not meant for the ordinary man who is in a permanent rush, but for those who are on a spiritual journey and who understand that any good work takes time to be accomplished. Let's not forget, nor was Rome built in a single day.In case you received a damaged item,please contact me asap.


Due to the changes made by Ebay in the sales policy, this device will be sold only as decorative object and without metaphysical or occult valences  and are sold as a freedom of expression of religion and equality .


What you get 

-1 piece mantras infused Avalokiteshvara amulet

-3 pieces mantras infused crystals

-1 piece pouch

-1 piece Dasa Mahavidya print



We happily combine items when shipping, saving you money. We never charge a handling fee and packaging.

Orders will be shipped within 48-72 hours after payment confirmation (excluding weekends).