Features and Benefits

  • Made from 100% recyclable material, the visor offers a highly cost-effective solution for medical professionals or personal use
  • Approved by the MHRA (Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency) on device compliance
  • Produced in a BRC AA grade accredited manufacturing site in the UK
  • Lightweight in construction sits comfortably against the forehead
  • Designed to fit away from the face at an angle to allow the use of glasses or protective goggles and face masks.
  • Anti-fogging
  • Adjustable elastic headband
  • Keep you shielded from airborne droplets
  • The hygienic design means that the visor can be washed or wiped down easily for re-use if required


Full Protective Adjustable Face Shields / PPE Visor Protection - Washable

 In Use with NHS Face Shield Visor
Please note that the price stated is including VAT. A full VAT invoice will be provided upon request.

Protect yourself and others around you with our full-face shields!

The visor has been approved by the MHRA (Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency) on device compliance, currently, in use within the NHS, these Shields/Visors are only produced at a BRC AA grade manufacturing site in the UK. 

PPE visor for critical care workers requiring vital protection to combat Covid-19. These Full Face Shields are made of High-Quality material, durable and re-usable. Expertly designed and Manufactured from 100% recyclable material, the shield/visor offers a highly cost-effective solution for medical professionals or personal use.

It's essential to keep ourselves protected from the virus at this time. It's especially important if you're a key worker or likely to come into contact with several people during the day. These full-face shields are in stock now and ready for despatch.