Glamourous nude study by New York photographer Nicholas Haz. This superb quality halftone print is taken from a vintage copy of Photograms of the Year 1926.

Czechoslovakian born painter and photographer Nicholas Haz became one of the important teachers of photography in the second quarter of the 20th century. During the War years, he supported himself with a succession of  jobs until Nickolas Muray employed Haz as a retoucher. Haz began making portraits on his own and had established a successful studio by mid-decade, from the first trying to establish a reputation as a theatrical portraitist. In late 1924 his work was published in the New York Times and in early 1925 with Vanity Fair. He lectured frequently upon fine arts and photography on the radio station WGBS New York during the 1920s. In June 1927 the New York Camera Club held an exhibition of Haz's portraits. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society and in 1940 became an associate of the Photographic Society of America.

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