From India





  • Product- Smudging Sage Healing Herb
  • Sage Type-  Eucalyptus leaf Stick 
  • Origin- India , Native American Indian  Herb
  • Tradition-  Ceremony, Ritual, Powwow, Ritual, Sweat Lodge, Spiritual, Sacred, Prayers, Cleansing, Prayers, Purifying
  • Herbal- Natural, Organic, Smoke, Smudging Herb, Dried, 100% Natural, Botanical, Remedy, Healing Herb
  • Package-Bundle Stick Wand
  • Healing herb-  decongestant, colds, emphysema, whooping cough, asthma, mouthwash



Eucalyptus has been recognized by Native Americans and others as being particularly effective in acting on the nerve receptors of the nose that causes de-clogging and the release of mucus. The anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties of eucalyptus have been widely utilized in the form of teas, oils, steams and aromatherapy to combat a host of ailments and disorders. Eucalyptus tea can be made by taking a single eucalyptus leaf and chopping it into fine bits. Then place the bits into a tall cup of hot water and let it stand for about 5 minutes.

The following are the health benefits attributed to eucalyptus tea:

  • When inhaled, the steam from the eucalyptus tea can help alleviate chest infections and a host of respiratory and pulmonary ailments like colds, emphysema, whooping cough and asthma.
  • Eucalyptus tea (or essential oil combined with water), when gargled, can help fight throat infections and used as a general antiseptic mouthwash.
  • Eucalyptus tea, when rubbed in the chest area, may help relieve bronchitis, asthma and colds.

To Native Americans, herbs represent not only food and medicine but also spirit and magic. Native Americans see plants as living beings. Plants are used with great respect and plants have life and power.

 Since the dawn of times plants have been our sacred connection to our mother earth. Plants feed, cure, and shelter us; and legends abound of the power of chosen plants to heal and protect the wise. Native traditions relate that wherever sage and cedar are used, no evil influences may enter.

 To “smudge” is to purify with smoke from certain sacred herbs. The sacred ritual of purifying with smoke comes from native peoples in both North and South America. In North America the smoke is created by burning sacred herbs such as sage, cedar, sweet grass and juniper. Smoke may be used to purify the body, spirit, pet, home, office and healing rooms, any space or item in your world

 This smudge herb is 100% natural aromatic botanicals. The herbs were gathered in an ecologically sound and respectful way. The plants are not harmed and nothing is wasted. These bundles are made for you as tools of empowerment! Enjoy!





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