Our new top of the range essential oil promoting hair growth, prevents hair loss and thickens the hair. Each individual oil is pure and has hair growth properties.
Safely Tested on sensitive skin, comes with Vitamin B7/Zinc in vegan capsules.
Please test a few drops on your forearm before placing it on your face or scalp.
30mls, few drops a day, will last up to 2 months.
Consists of Pure Organic Cold pressed Hemp Oil, Black Seed Oil, Lemongrass Oil Rosemary Oil, Cedarwood Oil, Lavender Oil, Sage Oil, Juniper Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Thyme Oil and Eucalyptus.

Hemp Oil Stimulates Hair Growth, Hemp oil also helps to enhance the growth of hair on the scalp in a number of ways. Among these is through the Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids, which are necessary in stimulating growth, Hemp is abundantly rich in these Omega fatty acids. Hair is made of keratin, up to 90% of which is a protein.

Lavender oil recently gained attention for stimulating hair growth.A 2016 study found that lavender oil applied to mice made their hair grow faster and quicker.
Clary sage oil contains the same linalyl acetate that helps make lavender oil so effective in increasing hair growth. It can improve hair strength, in addition to increasing hair growth, making hair more difficult to break.
Juniper Oil: Increasing circulation with a vasodilator like peppermint could potentially improve hair growth and prevent some hair loss. 
Eucalyptus oil is a great way to stimulate hair follicles. This is likely because eucalyptus can bring down inflammation in the scalp which helps create an ideal environment for hair growth.
Cedarwood oil is thought to promote hair growth and reduce hair loss by balancing the oil-producing glands in the scalp. It also has antifungal and antibacterial properties, which can treat different conditions that may contribute to dandruff or hair loss
Lemongrass Oil: It creates a conducive environment on your scalp for healthy hair growth. It strengthens hair follicles. ... This procedure can help kill hair lice as well.
Tea Tree Oil: Using small amounts of diluted tea tree oil down the shaft of the hair will help prevent build-up of chemicals and dead skin. This keeps your hair healthy and moisturized, which can help it grow at its normal rate and prevent it from falling out.
Black Seed Oil:  2014 study indicated that it was effective enough in promoting hair growth to justify further study. Also, a 2017 study indicated that herbal hair oil containing Nigella sativa resulted in hair fallout reduction of up to 76 per cent.
Rosemary Oil: strengthens circulation. As a result, it could prevent hair follicles from being starved of blood supply, dying off, and leading to hair loss.
Thyme Oil; can help promote hair growth by both stimulating the scalp and actively preventing hair loss. Has shown to be effective in treating Alopecia