So you've got this gorgeous Portable Typewriter from the 1920s to the 1940s. It works well and looks beautiful. Unfortunately, the platen is hard and the feeder rolls are flat from continuous pressure on the platen for, how many years? The paper won't load correctly, if at all. And the letters look a little funky because they bounce off the rock hard platen. I can tell you, from first hand experience, the difference between a rock-hard 80 year old platen, and one that has been re-covered in fresh, new rubber is absolutely amazing. The letters are crisp and sharp. I kid you not, the difference is amazing. It is worth the cost, if you have any intention of actually using your machine.

You need new rubber! I can help you with this! Send me your tired, your poor old, your hard platens or flat feeder rolls yearning to be soft. I lift my talent beside your need (apologies to Emma Lazarus).

How are we going to do this? Well, you can remove the platen or the feeder rolls on your portable typewriter and send them to me. I'll re-cover those puppies and send them back (return shipping is only a nominal $15). Or, send me the whole typewriter (I'll send you explicit packing instructions), I'll do all the dirty removal work, re-cover those platens or feeder rolls, return them to the typer, make sure everything is working correctly, and return the machine to you (the return shipping is on YOUR dime). I will send an invoice in each case, the shipping will depend on the circumstances.

PLEASE NOTE: Recovering platens takes some time. You'll have to wait a couple or three weeks to get the job done. Heck, the machine has waited years for a new platen, you can wait a couple of weeks.

The basic charge for my service is only $129, for either a platen or a set of feeder rolls (NOT BOTH!). However, if you have a later model machine, or an odd complicated machine, there may be a variance in the fee. We will confirm all this at time of service. I'll work with you to figure out what you need.

I pride myself on my love of these machines. My reputation speaks for itself. I look forward to doing business with you.

Carl Raphael
July 2023