24 x 412g Chappie Adult Wet Dog Food Tins Chicken & Rice in Loaf

24 x 412g Chappie Adult Wet Dog Food Tins Chicken & Rice in Loaf

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Every Chappie wet dog food can contains essential fatty acids to help support skin & coat health.

Our dog food loaf recipes contains everything your dog needs to keep them full of vitality.

Our Chappie dog food contains dietary fibres to help support your pet's digestion.

Our chicken dog food with rice contains calcium and phosphorus to help support healthy bones.

Wet dog food developed with our nutritionists and veterinarians of the WALTHAM Petcare Science Institute.

Our recipes in Chappie dog food tins are made with wholesome and natural ingredients.





Cereals* (including Rice 1.1%, equivalent to Cooked Rice 4%), Fish and Fish Derivatives* (including Whitefish 14%), Meat and Animal Derivatives* (including Chicken 4%), Oils and Fats (including Sunflower Oil 0.3%), Minerals, Provence Herbs*, *Natural ingredients


It all began in 1935... CHAPPIE dog food is one of the oldest brands of pet food on the market in UK. Our tried and tested recipe has stood the test of time, containing all the essential nutrients that your dog requires in our trusted recipe.


CHAPPIE Complete Wet Dog Food with Chicken & Rice is a 100% complete and balanced dog food developed with our vets. CHAPPIE dog food tins contain all of the essential nutrients that your dog requires to keep them in top condition every single day.




Analytical constituents (%):: Protein:: 6.0, Fat content:: 3.8, Inorganic matter:: 1.9, Crude fibre:: 1.2, Moisture:: 73.8, Calcium:: 0.42, Phosphorus:: 0.26, Additives per kg:, Nutritional additives:, Vitamin A:: 7805 IU, Vitamin D3:: 161 IU, Copper (Copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate):: 2.2 mg, Iodine (Calcium iodate, anhydrous):: 0.75 mg, Iron (Iron(II) sulphate monohydrate):: 9.6 mg, Manganese (Manganous sulphate, monohydrate):: 5.8 mg, Zinc (Zinc sulphate, monohydrate):: 22.7 mg


Preparation and Usage


24h Daily Feeding Recommendations Can Food Only: 5 kg: 300 g - 350 g, 10 kg: 500 g - 600 g, 20 kg: 900 g - 1000 g, 30 kg: 1200 g - 1300 g 100 g wet food can be replaced by 30g Chappieâ„¢ dry food. 103 kcal/100g Feeding instructions: Feeding amounts are intended as guidelines only. Adjust the amount of food according to the age, size and activity level of your dog. For more detailed information, please call our service line. Fresh water should always be available. Serve at room temperature, surplus food can be chilled for up to 2 days.



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