Sunlight:Full Sun, Partial Shade

USDA Hardiness Zone (°F):7 (0 to 10 °F), 9 (20 to 30 °F)

Watering: Medium

Season of Interest: Summer

Soil pH: Neutral

Soil type: Peat, Sand

You can wrap the yam bean in a wet paper towel and place it in a warm place to speed up germination (In warm places, germination usually takes about a week,  or you can skip this step and plant it directly) and plant it in fertile sandy soil. Dig a shallow hole in the soil, put the yam bean seedlings in and cover the thin soil, pat the soil around the seedlings (you can also choose to plant them in a pot about 1 meter high), and water until the soil becomes wet. The spacing is about 1 foot. When the young leaves grow out, build a one-meter-high grille to promote the climbing and growth of the yam vine, and appropriately remove the side branches to promote ventilation (the young leaves are edible and delicious!). The variety is hardy, with a minimum winter temperature of around 10°F in our region, and its rhizomes can survive the winter safely and can sprout and grow next year.