The Anti Oloid is one of a group of mathematical 3D shapes which also include Oloids and Sphericons. The anti oloid is fascinating as it twists and turns in on itself. At first sight it's reminiscent of a mobius strip but differs in that a mobius strip has only one side but the anti oloid has two.

All of these objects come to life when you give then a nudge down a gentle slope and they set off with a strange wobbling motion. See the video below which shows an oloid, anti oloid and a hexasphericon - all of which are available in our other listings.

The anti oloid measure 80mm long.

These items have been 3D printed in a variety of colours, gold being our favourite as it shimmers beautifully as it rolls. As with all 3D printed items there may be some very minor surface imperfections but we pride ourselves in the quality of our prints and doubt you will find better.

Oloids, Anti Oloids and Hexasphericons - YouTube

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