Huge Australian Smokey Quartz Point from Stanthorpe Queensland.

This is a free standing Lemurian point so can be used a centre piece of any display.

Taken from an old Gold mine just minutes from Stanthorpe town centre. It was found some 90 metres underground by a fearless fossicker.

Large specimens such as this are very rare these days and are in demand by collectors.

Smokey Quartz is said to assist in the following areas of ones self.

Serenity, Calmness, Positive thoughts, Calms fear, Lifting of depression, Stability, Practicality, Intuition & Pride

It is believed that in addition to the generic healing properties of Quartz, Smokey Quartz is an excellent grounding stone. It gently neutralises negative vibrations and is detoxifying on all levels, prompting elimination of the digestive system and protecting against radiation and electromagnetic smog. Smokey Quartz disperses fear, lifts depression and negativity. It brings emotional calmness, relieving stress and anxiety. Promotes positive thoughts and action, and alleviates suicidal tendencies. Dispels nightmares and manifests your dreams. Smokey Quartz aids concentration and assists in communication difficulties.

Smokey Quartz dissolves cramps, strengthens the back and fortifies the nerves. It is particularly effective for abdomen, hips and legs. Relieves headaches, back pain, eases muscular spasms. Smokey Quartz benefits the reproductive system, the heart, muscles and nerve tissue. It regulates liquids within the body and aids assimilation of minerals.

Smoky quartz is a brownish grey, translucent variety of quartz that ranges in clarity from almost complete transparency to an almost-opaque brownish-gray or black crystal. Like other quartz gems, it is a silicon dioxide crystal. The smoky colour results from free silicon formed from the silicon dioxide by natural irradiation.

Approx Width: 190mm

Approx Height: 235mm

Weight: 8kg

Photo taken in natural light with an Apple IPad

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Smoky quartz is very comforting and calming, and can be considered a stone of serenity. It can, therefore, be very helpful in relieving grief.