Featured are Fitness Dice. A perfect addition to your fitness routine!

So glad that you decided to join the Fit Dice family Fit Dice is a
customizable workout dice game great for group workouts or even individually. Great starting point to get into shape or stay active.

RULES to go by below:

First, one person roll the five dice. The dice are made up of 1 meditative dice, a low intensity workout dice, a high intensity workout dice, a time dice and a set of reps dice.

Next, you customize your workout accordingly. You can customize a cardio dice with a time dice and a low intensity dice with a reps dice. For example you dices show up as a run (cardio dice), a sit up (low intensity dice), 15 seconds (time dice), and 10 (reps dice), and deep breathe (meditative dice). Run in place for 15 seconds. And do 10 sit ups. Also take some time to do some deep breathing.

Next, the Person that rolled the dice leads the group in the workout. Be creative. Maybe run and sing a song. Do jumping jacks and spin around. Jog and pair up with a partner and play slide hands. Or do a sit up and add a twist. Make it fun! You can customize workouts with gym equipment too. Do sit-ups with a medicine ball. Jump with a box. Or Run and lift dumbbells. The possibilities are endless.

The second person rolls the dice and repeats steps one to three. Than the third person and so on and so forth.You can also wear a fitness tracker. Whoever burns the most calories or gets the highest heart rate wins. You decide what the benchmark is to win.

Manufactured in USA


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