• Natural AA+ Selenite from Morocco
  • Cut clean on both ends. Each piece is cut to about 2.5” length, approx 0.05"-1" wide. 
  • You can expect about 7-10 chunky sticks per pound on average.
  • A natural item so number per lb will vary based on assorted thickness. 
  • Selenite is a soft item and scratches, chips, dents, and fractures very easily. 
SELENITE IS ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL METAPHYSICAL STONES- It can be used to clear energy blocks from the body-spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
USE SELENITE AROUND YOUR HOME- place in the corners of a room to create a protective space from negative energy. It casts a protective aura wherever it is placed.

Selenite is a fibrous crystal with natural fissures and fibers running along the length of the wand. The raw pieces will sometimes shed use care to not get small fragments into any mucous membrane (eye's, nose & mouth), etc. Perfect for energy transfers, spiritual work, and healing. Selenite is a calming stone that instills deep peace and is excellent for meditation or spiritual work. It assists judgment and insight. It clears confusion and aids in seeing the deeper picture. Selenite aligns the spinal column and promotes flexibility.

Cleansing: Use a small Selenite wand as an “energy eraser.” Start at the top of your head. Holding the wand about five inches from your body, slowly bring the crystal down your body. Visualize the crystal taking in all the negativity, anxiety and worries from your day.