Ossuary Records 2020 – Brandnew 7'' single on black vinyl with full color insert with lyrics and photos.


For Fans of Satans Hallow / Midnight Dice, Iron Maiden, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Accept, Saxon, Loudness , Anthem, Riot City, Sabire


Shadow Warrior is female fronted old school heavy metal band from Lublin. Band was formed in 2019 by Marcin Puszka (guitars, ex-Black Velvet Band), Zdzisław Krzyżanowski (drums, ex-Black Velvet Band) and Piotr "Peter Ripper" Miećko (guitars, ex-Highlow, also known from Black Velvet Band). After recruiting to the squad bassist Karol Zmaczyński and female vocalist Anna Kłos (ex-Highlow, ex-Wasted) they began writing their own material. On 17th June 2019 Shadow Warrior launched the first single "Wind of the Gods" which was introduction for full EP "Return of the Shadow Warrior". Band gained very warm feedback from all over the world and made an very quick sold out of single and EP. In the meantime there was a change in the line-up: Peter Ripper left the band and was replaced by Łukasz Daniel, previously known from grind-core / death metal band Nuclear Holocaust. After that, band signed with few labels to re-issue their debut EP and move forward with full-lenght which is introduced for first part of 2020 year.


SIDE A: I Am the Thunder

(from the upcoming "Cyberblade" full album)


SIDE B: Flight of Iron Pegasus

(Metalucifer cover, recorded live during "Rock Out Sessions" 

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