N Scale LED lighted Bumper - Modified Atlas


This is a new but modified Atlas (R) N Scale Code 80 Snap Track Bumper with a bidirectional LED installed.

A RED/GREEN bidirectional  LED has been installed to light with current in both directions. For use in DC mode.

The LED is oriented according to NMRA specifications for DC operation

  The RED LED  lights as the train approaches the terminal and GREEN when train leaves the terminus..


Package includes 1 N Scale Atlas Bumper with LED Installed ready to Plug and Play.


No soldering is required. LEDs light when track current exceeds 3.5 Volts in DC mode.

If using these bumpers with out auto-reversing system please include a note with the order as special wiring is required. There is no additional charge for this when a minimum of 2 bumpers are ordered. 

BUY IT NOW         $6.95 + Shipping and Handling $4.50 for one or more. 

                               (A discount is available on purchase of 2 or more)