Good condition.

Copyright, 1925

The Ocean Accident and Guarantee

Corporation, Limited

----------- 3 -----------

The T

HE steam turbine utilizes the expansive

qualities of steam in revolving discs or

wheels rather than in cylinders as is the

case with the steam engine.

Steam turbines occupy a relatively small

space for the power that they generate

which makes them adaptable for driving

various kinds of machines. High speed tur-

bines present no difficulties in design but it

is impossible to perfect slow speed turbines.

This difficulty, however, is very readily

overcome by the means of reduction gears-

with the result that we have turbines of all

----------- 5 -----------


1. Rotor of Indianapolis turbine.

2. Rotor and stator of Warner Sugar Company turbo

generator which was thrown against adjacent


3. Interior of wrecked casing-Indianapolis turbine.

4. Destruction of generator rotor and stator-Indian-

apolis turbine.

5. General view of wreckage caused by Indianapolis

turbine explosion.

6. General view of wreckage caused by Indianapolis

turbine explosion.

----------- 3 -----------

kinds and sizes driving direct current gen-

erators-alternating current generators-

pumps of the rotary and centrifugal kind-

blowers-fans-rotary air and gas com-


The tinted portion of the illustration indi-

cates the apparatus which may be covered

under the Turbine Policy. This includes:

a-The main turbo generator.

b-The exciter turbo generator.

c-The turbine driven circulating pump.

d-The turbine driven air pump.

e-The turbine driven boiler feed pump.

----------- 6 -----------

HE old water mill, pic-

turesque and in other

days so often the mileau

of romantic tales, is a

turbine. Rembrandt

told the story of the tur-

bine in pictures of his

beloved Holland with its windmills.

And now comes a German inventor,

Herr Flettner with a new kind of wind

turbine and has set the world talking. He

has rigged up a "wind-ship" without sails.

It has two great cylinders which harness

the air currents and make them drive the

ship. He claims that the enslaved winds

can be used to propel anything from a flour

mill to an electric power plant. And he is

at work on a cylinder over 300 feet high

for the generation of electric power and

hopes to save 60% of the cost of ordinary


The veil of the future is not yet lifted

and until his wind-turbine has demonstra-

ted its practical qualities you need not have

----------- 5 -----------

7. General view of Warner Sugar Company turbine


8. Unit adjacent to one which exploded at Indian-


9. Bursted casing and steam rotor-Warner Sugar

Company turbine.

10. View of Indianapolis turbine rotor.

11. Wreck of turbine at Northern States Power Com-

pany, St. Paul.

12. View of Indianapolis turbine rotor.

----------- 9 -----------

The impulse turbine is

found in the larger in-

dustrial plants and all

of the central stations.

The principal difference

the impulse

and the reaction type of


machines is in the ar-

rangement of the blades.

Both machines may be

successfully used in al-

most any kind of ser-


----------- 7 -----------


concern over the steam turbine.

will be plenty left in operation to insure.

The Development of the

Steam Turbine

Think of paddles and you are at the

root-thought of the turbine.

Can you conceive of anything simpler

than the windmills we made as boys? The

principle involved was recognized ages

ago. The first man to sail a boat employed

it, and the principle with its many rami-

fications has been applied throughout the


A windmill must be large in diameter

and expose considerable area to the pro-

pelling breezes to develop any considerable

amount of power. Paddle wheels of com-

paratively small diameters will develop



of many thousands of horses if

high pressure steam is used instead of the


The modern steam turbines are

such machines.

----------- 9 -----------

The reaction turbine is




plants requiring con-


amounts of

power and in the cen-

stations of



country. Reaction tur-

bines are built in a wide

range of sizes and are

adaptable to almost any

kind of service.

----------- 10 -----------

ruption of any of the rotating parts or the

stripping of the blades and buckets, any one

of which causes the turbine unit to cease its

operation immediately and requires repair

or replacement before the turbine unit can

again be safely operated, is considered a

loss under the policy. This is an extreme-

ly broad protection and has never been

granted before.

What Turbine Insurance May


1.-Loss or damage to the turbine itself.

2.-Loss or damage to other property of

the assured.

3.-Loss or damage to property of others

for which the assured is liable.

4.-Liability of the assured for death or

injury to persons not in his employ.

5.-Liability of the assured for death or

injury to his employees if not con-

trary to State Compensation Acts.

6.-Loss of Use and Occupancy.

7.-Consequential or indirect loss or


8.-The policy provides for the defense

of suits, even though groundless,

brought against the assured, because

of an explosion or breakdown. This

expense is in addition to the limit of

the policy. If a judgment is rendered

against the assured, the interest ac-

cruing on it and any court costs are


----------- 11 -----------


The policy excludes loss or damage:-

1. If due to a breakdown or explosion

caused by fire or if loss or damage is caused

by fire outside of the machine resulting from

a breakdown or explosion.

2. If the valve, limiting the pressure of

steam admitted to the turbine, is set to al-

low a pressure in excess of that authorized

or if any device regulating the speed of the

turbine is set to allow a speed in excess of

that authorized.

Value of Inspection Service

Indemnity is an obligation which must

be met if accident prevention fails.

Accident prevention is the primary aim

of turbine insurance.

Inspection service is a means to that end.

The turbo generator is operated to pro-

duce electric current and in many cases

is in use for a twenty-four hour period.

Continuity of service, therefore, is of vital


The inspection service provided by

insurance is a large factor in preventing

accidents. Our engineers are thoroughly

trained in turbine design, construction and

operation and are expert in preventing


Turbine equipment is usually inspected

four times each year.

----------- 12 -----------

Lew It Quickly

The Location Charge for $250,000 Insurance in Dis-

trict No. 1 (E 100). .


The Turbine Charge on page E 105b for each Tur-

bine is $510.00 X 3 Turbines... .

= 1,530.00

On page E 105b-Factor Charge for each 100 kw. of

Capacity is $10.20-add to this factor, $.10 for

$10,000 Personal Injury Limit (page E 210) as

$10.30 X 500 (50,000 total kw. 100).... . .= 5,150.00


The Three Year Premium..

Now let us figure the complete protection or breakdown

coverage which includes any accident to the turbine which

necessitates the cessation of operation and which requires

repair or replacement before operations can be resumed. The

location charge, found on page T 100C covering a 20,000 kw.

machine (the largest) is $1,083.00, for $250,000 Insurance.


We start off then, with a location charge of... . ..

Remember that this location charge is made

only once for each Location as defined in the Man-

ual, irrespective as to the number of objects at any

particular location but the charge must be for the

machine of largest capacity.

We find the breakdown rates on Page T 101, and

for a 20,000 kw. turbine, the rate is $10,800

multiplied by two .for, two (2) machines



The rate for a 10,000 kw. machine is..


The personal injury charges on Page T 210 are $36

each for the two (2) 20,000 kw. machines and

$18 for the 10,000 kw. machine or a total of..


The Three Year Premium is...


Have you followed us?

computing the premium is quite simple? Are there any ques-

Do you think the procedure of

tions that you would like to ask us? Do not hesitate to write.