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The Hassan Tower is an unfinished Minaret in the Moroccan capital city of Rabat.

Commissioned by Abu Yusuf Yaqub al-Mansur, the third Caliph of the Almohad Caliphate in 1195, the tower was intended to be the largest minaret in the world along with the mosque, also intended to be the world's largest. When al-Mansur died in 1199, construction stopped.

The tower reached 44 m (140 ft), about half of its intended 86 m (260 ft) height. The rest of the mosque was also left incomplete, with only the beginnings of several walls and 348 columns being constructed.

It is said that the same architect that designed La Giralda in Seville, Andalusian Spain authored this tower. Both minarets were based on the Koutobia mosque from Marrakech, making all 3 towers sisters (From Wikipedia).

Credit to MiniWorld3D for the amazing model
Credit to 3Dprynxz for the photos and by Slimprintn, de3dprintman, and unclephil3d
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