Litha Sabbat Oil

Litha or the Summer Solstice falls on the twenty first of June, the longest day and shortest night of the year. The sun has reached it’s full power and the earth is a perfect cornucopia brimming with abundance. Litha is a time to celebrate the fruition of life and to take joy in the gifts of the season. Light bonfires or candles in honour of the sun, visit sacred sites, stay up on Midsummer’s Eve to dance with the fae and above all utilise the fact that not only the sun, but you, are at the height of your power.

This oil has been crafted to aid you in the celebrations, spells and rituals of Litha. Use to anoint your tools, candles and magical items, or add to an oil burner or incense blend.

Blended from high quality essential, fragrance and sweet almond oils, this is a sweet and floral scent composed of Lily of the Valley, Strawberry, Honeysuckle and Heather flowers.

The oil will arrive in a 10ml amber glass roll on bottle and organza bag.

Thanks for viewing and Brightest Blessings!

The oils that I craft do not have Cosmetic Product Safety Reports, so they are sold for use in oil burners, adding to incense blends and for anointing tools and magical items only. My oils are all made with the highest quality cosmetic grade ingredients, so although I can assure you that use on the skin would cause no harm (unless you have underlying allergies or conditions beforehand) I can not legally sell them as perfumes. By purchasing my oils you are agreeing to the responsibility of risk if using on the skin.