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Saito rc engine
Engine picture is for engine type only

SAITO 80 Stainless Steel Bearings

Front Bearing: R6-2RS 3/8 X 7/8 X .281 Bearing
Rear Bearing: S6902 15 X 28 X 7 Stainless Steel Bearing
Cam Bearings: 




RCBearings SAITO Four Stroke rc engine bearings offer dependable, long lasting smoothness.  These have as good or better performance than what came standard in your engine at a fraction of the cost of OEM bearings! All of our bearings are sourced directly from ISO-9000 registered manufacturers.  We do not buy bulk bearings from unknown sources.

NOTE: all SAITO engines should use a sealed front bearing to reduce leakage.

Support: send us a message if you have questions or don't see a bearing or set you need.