Immerse yourself in Celtic myth. Based on the legendary 2000 AD comic strip saga created by Pat Mills and Angela Kincaid, Sláine is a brand new d20 role-playing game giving you background on Tir Nan Og, the Land of the Young in Celtic legend and full rules for playing the various characters found there. The innovative skill-based magic system lets all characters cast a spell or two if they wish, reflecting the superstitious beliefs of the Celts. Channel earth-power through your body, swelling to a monstrous size as you enter a warp-spasm. Learn the secrets of the feared gae bolga, a barbed and spiked spear which always causes fatal wounds, or hurl the dreaded tathlum, a concrete ball made from the brains of your dead enemies. Battle shoggy beasts, skull-swords and fomorian sea demons for the honor of your tribe. Enrage your enemies with the power of your poetic insults alone. Or throw subtlety aside and wield a flint great-axe, slaying fifty foes to the left of you and fifty to the right. You will not think it too many.