An excellent travelogue, scientific and documentary book on Macedonia by the German Franz Doflein, who in 1917 and 1918 researched Macedonia.


This paper is one of the most extensive, rich in factography and the most beautiful papers written by a foreign author about Macedonia. It was first published in Germany in 1921, and is now being published in Macedonia for the first time, and has until now been unknown to the wider readership and even to the scientific public.


Franz Theodor Doflein (1873-1924) is one of the greatest German zoologists of the early 20th century, who researched Macedonia in 1917 and 1918 and left an extraordinary travelogue, scientific descriptive and documentary about it. The book also contains 296 photographs, drawings, and other graphic contributions, most of them recorded and produced by the author.


Franz Doflein, during the First World War, was one of the most important members of the so-called. The 'Macedonian Land Commission', composed of 30 Germans and six Bulgarians, tasked with researching and studying Macedonia during the war, which was by far the least known European territory to Germany and even Europe. The commission was made up of scientists from various fields - archaeologists, geographers, geologists, ethnologists, etc. It was created at the behest of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs and it was planned to publish an encyclopedia of the materials collected because of the defeat of Germany, but this extraordinary historical, scientific and travelogue paper was obtained.


This extremely interesting historiographical work on Macedonia is accompanied by the foreword of prof. Dr. Wolf Ashley, who writes, among other things:


"Do Macedonians now know what eagles were flying in the Macedonian sky then? What kind of fish were there in the Macedonian rivers and lakes? What kind of frogs, insects, flowers, trees, plants? How 'colorful' was the population in Macedonia? What did the Macedonian villages and towns look like, what were their names at the time? If they don't know, but want to find out - let them read the translation of Doflein's book!


Doflein traveled all the time throughout Macedonia, both as a researcher and as a country lover. ... He was also a very gifted artist: he wrote short stories, he painted, he painted, he photographed his discoveries ... And all of his gifts are prominently featured in his book 'Macedonia - Experiences and Observations of a Naturalist Accompanied by the German Army'. A book that is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful, most interesting books about Macedonia. The book is a unique documentation of Macedonia and Macedonian daily life in World War I. "