Radar Dragon Replica 10 CM Dragon Ball Proplica

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Radar Dragon Replica 10 cm Dragon Ball Proplica

Tamashii Nations launches this replica with LED light and sound of the Dragon radar, based on the most popular manga series "Dragon Ball", for the Proplica collection. Press the button to activate different display modes and realistic sounds. The replica measures about 10 cm and includes a stand for display and optional lanyard to use as a complement. Uses 3x LR44 batteries (included).

EAN: 4573102576286

MPM: BDI.DB576286

During the health crisis, it is not sent to Ceuta, Melilla and the Canary Islands.


Radar Dragon Replica 10 cm Dragon Ball Proplica Tamashii Nations launches this replica with LED light and sound of the Dragon radar, based on the most popular manga series "Dragon Ball", for the Proplica collection. Press the button to activate different display modes and realistic sounds. The replica measures about 10 cm and includes a stand for display and optional lanyard to use as a complement. Uses 3x LR44 batteries (included). EAN: 4573102576286 MPM: BDI.DB576286 During the health crisis, it is not sent to Ceuta, Melilla and the Canary Islands.  
Radar Dragon Replica 10 cm Dragon Ball Proplica Tamashii Nations launches this replica with LED light and sound of the Dragon radar, based on the most popular manga series "Dragon Ball", for the Proplica collection. Press the button to activate different display modes and realistic sounds. The replica measures about 10 cm and includes a stand for display and optional lanyard to use as a complement. Uses 3x LR44 batteries (included). EAN: 4573102576286 MPM: BDI.DB576286 During the health crisis, it is not sent to Ceuta, Melilla and the Canary Islands.
Tipo Accesorios
EAN 4573102576286
MPN BDI.DB576286
Marca Tamashii Nations
Embalaje Original (Sin abrir)
Tema Dragon Ball
Tamaño 10 cm
Personaje Radar