Immune System Booster Herbal Tea
immune system boost & anti-inflammatory action
Rosehip Fruit (60%), Echinacea (30%) and Cat's Claw (10%).
Stimulates and boosts the Immune System, respiratory system, helps in acute and chronic inflammatory processes, and more.
20 Tea Bags * Premium Quality Made in EU 

 ORGANICTAS (5***** Stars Ebay Shop with 100% positive Feedback)
Premium Quality Products
Organic Herbs & Tea, Natural Products, Remedies and Dietary Supplement.

Imuno Pro Herbal Tea is tradionally used in/for*:
  • Stimulate & boost the Immune System;
  • protection against Infections, Viruses, Bacteria and Fungi;
  • strenghten & protect the Immune System;
  • fight acute or chronic inflammatory processes;
  • help recover faster from illness;
  • improve respiratory and digestive system;
  • stimulates the production of white blood cells;
  • improve blood circulation and metabolism.

Imuno Pro Herbal Tea Short Description*:
"IMUNPRO" is natural product containing a complex of herbs

One of the most impressive benefits of rose hips is their high concentration of vitamin C. Vitamin C plays many essential roles in your immune system, including stimulating the production of white blood cells called lymphocytes, which protect your body against infection enhancing the function of lymphocytes. Helps maintain the skin’s protective barrier against outside pathogens. In addition to vitamin C, rose hips contain high levels of polyphenols and vitamins A and E, all of which help strengthen and protect the immune system. Compared with other fruits and vegetables, rose hips offer one of the highest levels of vitamin C. This vitamin, along with other compounds in rosehip tea, helps strengthen and protect your immune system.
Rosehip tea is high in compounds with anti-inflammatory effects, including polyphenols and galactolipids.

Echinacea is loaded with plant compounds that function as antioxidants. Echinacea is best known for its beneficial effects on the immune system. 
Echinacea tea help the immune system combat infections and viruses, which help recover faster from illness. That’s one reason why echinacea is often used to prevent or treat the common cold.
Echinacea reduces excess inflammation. Sometimes inflammation can get out of hand and last for longer than necessary and expected. This may raise the risk of chronic diseases and other health problems.

Cat's Claw:
Cat’s claw supports the immune system, possibly helping fight infections more effectively. Cat’s claw seems to work both by boosting the immune response and calming an overactive immune system.
Its anti-inflammatory properties could be responsible for its immune benefits. Cat's claw contains many types of plant chemicals that help reduce inflammation, such as tannins and sterols, and fight viruses, such as quinovic acid glycosides.
Its antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral effects have proven particularly effective in combating persistent infections such as Lyme disease, Candida, glandular fever, herpes, bladder infections, hepatitis, prostatitis, gastritis and many other.

How to use Imuno Pro Herbal Tea:
1 Tea Bag in 250ml hot water (~90 C) for 5 - 10 minutes.
Note: This Product is made for the Bulgarian market and may partly or full be in cyrillic/bulgarian language. Please write down or print the "how to use" & product instruction/description!

Special Instructions, Side Effects, Warnings:

This Imuno Pro Herbal Tea Product is best before:
February 2025 or better.
(The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.)
Do not use the product after the expiry date which is stated on the pack.

Imuno Pro Herbal Tea Composition/Ingredient:
Rosehip Fruit (50%), Echinacea (30%), Cat's Claw (10%).

Country of origin / Made in / Packed in:
Bulgaria, a country of the European Union (EU).

How to store Imuno Pro Herbal Tea Bags:
Store in a dry and good ventilated place, away from direct sunlight and heat.
Do not use after the expiration date.

Original Box with 20 Tea Bags x 1.5g each. 
Packed and shipped in an ecofriendly Kraft Bubble Envelope.
Note: This Product is made for the Bulgarian market and may partly or full be in cyrillic/bulgarian language. Please write down or print the "how to use" & product instruction/description!

Short Product Description in other Languages:
(UK/USA) 100% Natural herbal tea with proven immune system boosting and stimulating properties, and with strong anti-inflammatory action.
(Arab) شاي أعشاب طبيعي 100٪ مع خصائص معززة ومحفزة للجهاز المناعي ومضادة للالتهابات.
(CRO) 100% prirodni biljni čaj s dokazanim svojstvima jačanja i stimuliranja imunološkog sustava i snažnim protuupalnim djelovanjem.
(CZ) 100% přírodní bylinkový čaj s prokázanými účinky na posílení a stimulaci imunitního systému a se silným protizánětlivým účinkem.
(D) 100% natürlicher Kräutertee mit nachgewiesenen, das Immunsystem fördernden und stimulierenden Eigenschaften und einer starken entzündungshemmenden Wirkung.
(DK) 100% naturlig urtete med bevist immunforsvar og stimulerende egenskaber og med stærk antiinflammatorisk virkning.
(E) Té de hierbas 100% natural con probadas propiedades potenciadoras y estimulantes del sistema inmunológico y con una fuerte acción antiinflamatoria.
(EST) 100% looduslik taimetee, millel on tõestatud immuunsüsteemi tugevdavad ja stimuleerivad omadused ning tugev põletikuvastane toime.
(F) Tisane 100% naturelle aux propriétés prouvées de renforcement et de stimulation du système immunitaire et à forte action anti-inflammatoire.
(FIN) 100% luonnollinen yrttitee, jolla on todistetusti immuunijärjestelmää parantavia ja stimuloivia ominaisuuksia ja jolla on voimakas tulehdusta estävä vaikutus.
(GR) 100% Φυσικό τσάι από βότανα με αποδεδειγμένες ιδιότητες ενίσχυσης και διέγερσης του ανοσοποιητικού συστήματος, και με ισχυρή αντιφλεγμονώδη δράση.
(HUN) 100% természetes gyógytea bizonyított immunrendszert fokozó és stimuláló tulajdonságokkal, erős gyulladáscsökkentő hatással.
(I) Tisana 100% Naturale con comprovate proprietà stimolanti e stimolanti del sistema immunitario e con forte azione antinfiammatoria.
(IRE) Tae luibhe nádúrtha 100% le córas imdhíonachta cruthaithe ag treisiú agus ag spreagadh airíonna, agus le gníomh láidir frith-athlastach.
(ISR) (HEBREW) תה צמחים טבעי 100% בעל תכונות מגבירות ומגרה של מערכת החיסון ועם פעולה אנטי דלקתית חזקה.
(JAP) 100%ナチュラルハーブティーで、免疫システムを強化し刺激する特性が証明されており、強力な抗炎症作用があります。
(KOR) 면역 체계를 강화하고 자극하는 특성이 입증 된 100 % 천연 허브 티로 강력한 항염 작용이 있습니다.
(LAT) 100% dabiska zāļu tēja ar pārbaudītām imūnsistēmu stimulējošām un stimulējošām īpašībām un ar spēcīgu pretiekaisuma iedarbību.
(LIT) 100% natūrali žolelių arbata, pasižyminti imuninę sistemą stiprinančiomis ir stimuliuojančiomis savybėmis, pasižyminti stipriu priešuždegiminiu poveikiu.
(NL) 100% natuurlijke kruidenthee met bewezen immuunsysteem versterkende en stimulerende eigenschappen, en met een sterke ontstekingsremmende werking.
(NOR) 100% naturlig urtete med bevist immunforsvar og stimulerende egenskaper, og med sterk betennelsesdempende virkning.
(POL) 100% naturalna herbata ziołowa o sprawdzonych właściwościach wzmacniających i stymulujących układ odpornościowy oraz silnym działaniu przeciwzapalnym.
(POR) Chá de ervas 100% natural com comprovadas propriedades potenciadoras e estimulantes do sistema imunológico e com forte ação antiinflamatória.
(RO) Ceai de plante 100% natural cu proprietăți dovedite de stimulare și stimulare a sistemului imunitar și cu acțiune antiinflamatoare puternică.
(RU) 100% натуральный травяной чай с доказанными укрепляющими и стимулирующими свойствами иммунной системы и сильным противовоспалительным действием.
(SLK) 100% prírodný bylinkový čaj s preukázateľne posilňujúcimi a stimulačnými vlastnosťami imunitného systému a so silným protizápalovým účinkom.
(SLO) 100% naravni zeliščni čaj z dokazanimi krepilnimi in spodbudnimi lastnostmi imunskega sistema ter z močnim protivnetnim delovanjem.
(SWE) 100% naturligt örtte med bevisat immunförstärkande och stimulerande egenskaper och med stark antiinflammatorisk verkan.
(TR) Kanıtlanmış bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirici ve uyarıcı özelliklere ve güçlü anti-inflamatuar etkiye sahip% 100 doğal bitki çayı.
(UKR) 100% натуральний трав’яний чай із перевіреними імунітетними стимулюючими властивостями та з сильною протизапальною дією.
(WELSH) Te llysieuol naturiol 100% gyda system imiwnedd profedig yn rhoi hwb ac yn ysgogi priodweddau, a gyda gweithredu gwrthlidiol cryf.

*Final Word, Disclaimer & Warning:
*If you're considering the use of this product or any other herb/supplement/product for a health condition, make sure to consult your physician first.
*Self-treating a condition and/or avoiding and/or delaying standard care may have serious consequences.
*Consult your physican before using this or any product if you are pregnant or nursing, taking medication, precription drugs or have a medical condition. Our product has not been studied alongside or against your prescription medication or alongside other supplements or herbs. Please make sure your health care provider is aware of all dietary supplments and natural herbs you are taking . This will help ensure coordinated and safe care.
*For medical, over-the-counter drugs, homeopathic and herbal products: indications are based soley on traditional homeopathic use. They have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug administration (FDA, THR 16409/0002). This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Immune System Pro Tea in other Languages:
(UK/USA) 100% Natural herbal tea with proven immune system boosting and stimulating properties, and with strong anti-inflammatory action.
(Arab) شاي أعشاب طبيعي 100٪ مع خصائص معززة ومحفزة للجهاز المناعي ومضادة للالتهابات.
(CRO) 100% prirodni biljni čaj s dokazanim svojstvima jačanja i stimuliranja imunološkog sustava i snažnim protuupalnim djelovanjem.
(CZ) 100% přírodní bylinkový čaj s prokázanými účinky na posílení a stimulaci imunitního systému a se silným protizánětlivým účinkem.
(D) 100% natürlicher Kräutertee mit nachgewiesenen, das Immunsystem fördernden und stimulierenden Eigenschaften und einer starken entzündungshemmenden Wirkung.
(DK) 100% naturlig urtete med bevist immunforsvar og stimulerende egenskaber og med stærk antiinflammatorisk virkning.
(E) Té de hierbas 100% natural con probadas propiedades potenciadoras y estimulantes del sistema inmunológico y con una fuerte acción antiinflamatoria.
(EST) 100% looduslik taimetee, millel on tõestatud immuunsüsteemi tugevdavad ja stimuleerivad omadused ning tugev põletikuvastane toime.
(F) Tisane 100% naturelle aux propriétés prouvées de renforcement et de stimulation du système immunitaire et à forte action anti-inflammatoire.
(FIN) 100% luonnollinen yrttitee, jolla on todistetusti immuunijärjestelmää parantavia ja stimuloivia ominaisuuksia ja jolla on voimakas tulehdusta estävä vaikutus.
(GR) 100% Φυσικό τσάι από βότανα με αποδεδειγμένες ιδιότητες ενίσχυσης και διέγερσης του ανοσοποιητικού συστήματος, και με ισχυρή αντιφλεγμονώδη δράση.
(HUN) 100% természetes gyógytea bizonyított immunrendszert fokozó és stimuláló tulajdonságokkal, erős gyulladáscsökkentő hatással.
(I) Tisana 100% Naturale con comprovate proprietà stimolanti e stimolanti del sistema immunitario e con forte azione antinfiammatoria.
(IRE) Tae luibhe nádúrtha 100% le córas imdhíonachta cruthaithe ag treisiú agus ag spreagadh airíonna, agus le gníomh láidir frith-athlastach.
(ISR) (HEBREW) תה צמחים טבעי 100% בעל תכונות מגבירות ומגרה של מערכת החיסון ועם פעולה אנטי דלקתית חזקה.
(JAP) 100%ナチュラルハーブティーで、免疫システムを強化し刺激する特性が証明されており、強力な抗炎症作用があります。
(KOR) 면역 체계를 강화하고 자극하는 특성이 입증 된 100 % 천연 허브 티로 강력한 항염 작용이 있습니다.
(LAT) 100% dabiska zāļu tēja ar pārbaudītām imūnsistēmu stimulējošām un stimulējošām īpašībām un ar spēcīgu pretiekaisuma iedarbību.
(LIT) 100% natūrali žolelių arbata, pasižyminti imuninę sistemą stiprinančiomis ir stimuliuojančiomis savybėmis, pasižyminti stipriu priešuždegiminiu poveikiu.
(NL) 100% natuurlijke kruidenthee met bewezen immuunsysteem versterkende en stimulerende eigenschappen, en met een sterke ontstekingsremmende werking.
(NOR) 100% naturlig urtete med bevist immunforsvar og stimulerende egenskaper, og med sterk betennelsesdempende virkning.
(POL) 100% naturalna herbata ziołowa o sprawdzonych właściwościach wzmacniających i stymulujących układ odpornościowy oraz silnym działaniu przeciwzapalnym.
(POR) Chá de ervas 100% natural com comprovadas propriedades potenciadoras e estimulantes do sistema imunológico e com forte ação antiinflamatória.
(RO) Ceai de plante 100% natural cu proprietăți dovedite de stimulare și stimulare a sistemului imunitar și cu acțiune antiinflamatoare puternică.
(RU) 100% натуральный травяной чай с доказанными укрепляющими и стимулирующими свойствами иммунной системы и сильным противовоспалительным действием.
(SLK) 100% prírodný bylinkový čaj s preukázateľne posilňujúcimi a stimulačnými vlastnosťami imunitného systému a so silným protizápalovým účinkom.
(SLO) 100% naravni zeliščni čaj z dokazanimi krepilnimi in spodbudnimi lastnostmi imunskega sistema ter z močnim protivnetnim delovanjem.
(SWE) 100% naturligt örtte med bevisat immunförstärkande och stimulerande egenskaper och med stark antiinflammatorisk verkan.
(TR) Kanıtlanmış bağışıklık sistemini güçlendirici ve uyarıcı özelliklere ve güçlü anti-inflamatuar etkiye sahip% 100 doğal bitki çayı.
(UKR) 100% натуральний трав’яний чай із перевіреними імунітетними стимулюючими властивостями та з сильною протизапальною дією.
(WELSH) Te llysieuol naturiol 100% gyda system imiwnedd profedig yn rhoi hwb ac yn ysgogi priodweddau, a gyda gweithredu gwrthlidiol cryf.


WARNING: There might be still some shipping delays due the worldwide pandemic situation.

We ship every day Monday - Friday in our timezone GMT+2. All deliveries take place within one working day after received/confirmed payment. All items are located and sent from Bulgaria. 

We carefully pack all orders and if possible use ecologically & environmentally friendly packing.

We try to satisfy the demands of all our customers and offer, up to your country, 2 or 3 different shipping options: Economy (slowest/cheapest), Standard (balanced) & Express (fastest/most expensive). Please note the estiminated shipping time by country and postal service due our experience below:


Europe: usually 15 - 20 working days.

USA, Hong Kong, Singapur, Israel: usually 25 - 30 working days.

Australia, Canada, Asia, Africa, South America, Rest of the world: usually 25 - 50 working days

STANDARD (Tracked):

Europe: usually 10 - 15 working days.

USA, Hong Kong, Singapur, Israel: usually 15 - 25 working days.

Australia, Canada, Asia, Africa, South America, Rest of the world: usually 20 - 45 working days

EXPRESS (Tracked):

Europe: usually 3 - 10 working days.

USA, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapur, Israel: usually 7 - 14 working days.

Australia, Asia, Africa, South America, Rest of the world: usually 10 - 20 working days

DHL EXPRESS (Tracked):

Worldwide: 1 - 3 working days delivery guarantee. Custom rates! Please contact us upfront!

Please note!

  • Your paypal and ebay adress must be the same as the receiver/shipping adress!
  • Please make sure your adress is correct, after payment and shipping there is no way to change the adress!
  • Any duties or import taxes and charges are buyers responsibility.
  • Tracking Numbers, if eligible, are added within 2 days after shipping!
  • Australia & Canada Post do not offer tracking for Economy & Standard postage!
  • Sometimes there are might be delays due bad weather conditions, custom office inspection etc.!
  • In case your package did not arrive within our estiminated delivery time, please contact us and do not open a case yet and give us a chance to investigatge with our carriers.
  • Delivery times and estiminated delivery time are guidelines. Working days exclude Saturday/Sunday/Holiday/Celebration days.
  • In case there are any issues, please contact us upfront before leaving a neutral/negative feedback or opening a case. We will do always our very best to resolve any issue/situation as fast as possible.


Payment: PayPal is the preferred payment method.

Feedback: Feedback is important for us and we appreciate and return every received feedback.

Issues/Problems: In case there are any issues, please contact us upfront before leaving a neutral/negative feedback or opening a case. We will do always our very best to resolve any issue/situation as fast as possible.

We attempt to display product images as accurately as possible. However, due to lighting and different devices you might be using, the color in the image may vary slightly for the actual color of the product. Product images may show a different as the actual listing price, expire date, net weight or other information. We notice on every listting the exact expire date and net weight in the listing. Pictures/Images are only for illustration.

Please note that some of our products might have partly, or in rare cases full, bulgarian labeling (see product images in our gallery!)


We hope you will love your purchase, however if you need to return it, our policy lasts 30 days. 

In case there are any issues, please contact us upfront before leaving a neutral/negative feedback or opening a case. We will do always our very best to resolve any issue/situation as fast as possible.

Please note!

  • To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it.
  • Please make sure the product is unopened, unused and the seals fully intact.
  • It must also be in the original packaging and you have to send it back bevor we can issue a replacement or refund.
  • If the returned product complies with the above rules we will process the refund.
  • If 30 days have gone by since your purchase, unfortunately we can't offer you a refund or exchange.
  • Before returning any product please contact us using eBay messaging system.