Prevent wrinkles, acne, antifungal, antibacterial 
100% Pure Castor oil                                 Fight and treat skin infection, anti-inflammatory
                                                                   Promote Hair growth, moisturize dry hair 
                                                                   Strengthen thin hair, prevent breakage

Castor oil can improve the condition of hair. It contains omega 6 essential fatty acids, vitamin E, as well as other vitamins and minerals which provide nutrition to hair follicles. Castor oil is also a humectant; i.e., a substance which promotes the retention of moisture. By applying it to the scalp, it moisturizes the roots and strengthens growing hair follicles. These same properties also make it an excellent treatment for hair loss—an application helpful to both women and men. When compared to vitamins and biotin, castor oil shows results more quickly and offers a host of additional benefits, including increased circulation, as well as combating fungal, bacterial, and viral skin infections. It is also more effective at treating hair loss than coconut oil, jojoba oil, peppermint oil, and vitamin E oil.