Mongolian Instant Milk Tea Free Healthy Drink 

Why they are not fat while Mongolia herdmen eat so much meat?

Mongolia people are living in grassland and eat much meat every day, but they are seldom fat. They say the reason is they drink a lot of local milk tea, which is made by fresh milk and fermentative brick black tea. The milk tea help them to digestion.

Ingredients: whole milk powder, non-dairy creamer, iodised salt, chin brick tea powder etc. 

Drinking method: brewing with warm water and stir.


The Mongolian milk tea is the necessities daily drinks in Mongolian's life, it's boil out repeatedly together with chin brick tea, the brick tea contains abundant vitamin C, tannins, proteins, etc. nutritional ingredients that are essential to human body. It can provide energy, helping digestion, cleanse the palate, eliminating fatigue etc and have unique flavor and efficacy.


by China Post Air mail.  The usual delivery time is 2-3 weeks for most countries.