This is a cigar box guitar music CD called Cigar Box Americana. It has music recorded to sound like it was from the early 1900's and those long lost sounds from America's past. This music is old-time Blues and Southern Bottleneck cigar box guitar that has been recorded on only 3 and 4 string homemade guitars.
 If you liked the movie Crossroads or the guitar playing from Ry Cooder, you will enjoy the vintage style music on this Disc.

   To record this music, I've played 3 string cigar box guitars, Electric Bottleneck 4 string cigar box guitars, and Cigar Box Resonator guitars.  I have also used old and vintage 1960's and 70's guitar amplifiers. Some were naturally overdriven and some were setup clear as a bell. I've also used a old Pignose amp to record several songs. They record with a real primitive Southern gritty sound. 

I have also recorded several songs with some old Retro "Radio Guitar Amps." They were once antique radios from the 1940's and 50's that have been converted and turned into guitar amplifiers. They record with a really unique and vintage tone. 
The music and songs are all sounds that are vintage and southern in flavor, perfect for study if your trying to learn early Americana or slide guitar, or just enjoy it as a relaxing way to step back in time.

 There is also a song from Fuzzy Whitener, one of that last old school Bluesmen, and yes, he's playing cigar box guitar. NO regular guitars were used and NO singing and NO band, this is a full music CD disc with only cigar box guitar songs.  The best way to learn how to play cigar box guitar, is to listen to cigar box guitar guitar!

Here below is an old-time "Cigar Box Jukes" song played on a 4 string cigar box guitar. It's colorful and recorded only using a old fashioned 4 string cigar box guitar and a glass slide,  

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Here in this video below I tried to record authentic Americana and make it sound as close to "the real thing" as I could. I wanted to capture that original early 1930's feeling and sound in this recording. I only used a homemade 4 string cigar box guitar and a broken Bottleneck from an old wine bottle. 
This recording is made by adding a piezo microphone inside the box ( Acoustic-Electric.)  It was then just plugged strait-wired into a small recording Tascam device. 

1930's Slide Blues Cigar Box Guitar Music

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 I have recorded and put together this music CD that I myself would love to receive.
 I am also confident that you will enjoy this music so much, that the anticipation of ordering and waiting for your gritty and neat homemade Disc to show up, that when it does show up, you will have a greater appreciation for all the time and effort I put into it

 If you are interested in the hobby of Cigar Box Guitars. I have 4 different disc available on the subject.

Here is the list,

1. Understanding 3 string Guitar - How To play lessons DVD

2. How To Build - 3 & 4 String Cigar Box Guitars DVD

3. Dust Bowl Blues - 3 string Cigar Box Guitar Music CD

4. Cigar Box Americana - 3 & 4 string Cigar Box Guitar Music CD

The 3 string Lessons DVD is called "Understanding 3 string guitar." It covers all the playing styles heard in Blues guitar playing, both slide and finger style to help you get that Old-time vintage sound. Even if you've never played guitar before, it's never to late to learn how to play cigar box guitar, even if you are 70! 

Slide guitar is basically just one finger guitar. You can learn to play theses guitars, It is not hard at all.

The How to Build DVD covers in-depth how to build 3 & 4 string cigar box guitars. These guitars are just as much fun to build as they are to play. Anyone can build a great guitar, even on you first time if you have correct instruction and explanation, you only need a few common hand tool that most people already have.

I also have 2 different Cigar Box Guitar music CD's, 

The best way to learn how to play great cigar box guitar, is to listen to cigar box guitar music.

One is called "Dust Bowl Blues." This is an all Delta Blues and cigar box guitar CD recorded with mostly 3 sting cigar box guitar Blues music.

The other music CD is called "Cigar Box Americana." This is old time Delta Blues and Southern Bottleneck cigar box guitar that has been recorded on both 3 and 4 string cigar box guitars and also using vintage amplifiers and recording gear.

All of the music and videos I have recorded are only on the topic of Cigar Box guitar, no regular guitars are used.

  You can see the DVDs and Cigar Box Music CDs - Click Here

Email me if you have any questions