Here is an Antique ATALA Chateaubriand ETCHING Print by G. Staal inv, Ch. Geoffroy sc, Mangeon Printer.

I bought it in Paris, France, a very long time ago, in an Antique shop.

It is an Etching print glued on the printer paper which looks like some watercolor paper.

By doing some researches, I discovered that this etching print is from before 1847.

So, it has a title: Atala which is according to a novel written by Chateaubriand.

There is the name of the printer: Mangeon Imprimeur, 67 rue Saint Jacques, Paris.

The Etching is signed by: G. Staal inv, Ch. Geoffroy sc, I write these names exactly as they are written on the etching, the letters at the end of each name probably have a meaning.

At the back, it is written with a pencil: Atala fr 15. It is not a price, because in France, they don't write prices like that, it can be a number for this etching.

Look at the beauty of this creation!

9 1/2" long total, 6 3/8" wide total
For the etching print only: 6 11/16" long, 5 1/16" wide

Condition: The paper where the etching print is, has yellowed with time, has traces and a little hollow near one edge. The paper on which the etching print is glued, is also slightly yellow, it has little yellow stains due to age, and tiny holes near the edges, like if it had been pinned somewhere. Also 1F is written with a pencil, it could have been a very old price as in France, they don't have Francs anymore, and the price doesn't seem very realistic in our times. Also the backing paper is folded on one side, I am wondering if it was not the cover of a book maybe and the folded part would be the spine of this book? I'm not sure about that. This etching print is really very old, but still amazingly beautiful, please, check the photos as well.