Buckbuster Rape Seed -  Rape seed produces a food plot forage used extensively in New Zealand and Europe for deer food plots and livestock grazing. Rape is a fast growing brassica that is heat, cold and drought tolerant making it adapted to most all of the USA and southern Canada. Athena rape seed performs similar to the Dwarf Essex Rape Seed variety.

Planting Rape Seed for Food Plots or Forage

Date: Best Planting For North and South USA is August - October; Can be planted in Spring in the Northern states above the "line" of West Virginia to Missouri; Planting in the Spring in the Southern and lower Northern states will shorten crop life due to summer heat. Northern planting may see a shortened crop life if hard freezes are experienced. Rape food plots will not survive summer heat or hard freezes. Note: Rape becomes more attractive to deer after a frost because the sugar content will become more concentrated.

Planting Rate: 5-10 LBS. per acre.
Depth: No deeper than 1/4"
Germination: Will occur when soil temperatures reach 65° - 70° -