Excellent condition.

Some people in the book.




production editor


associate editor


literary editor


business manager



----------- 2 -----------


From the tower the old clock looks down

upon the doors of The Stout Institute.

Familiar doors.

Behind them, important things happen: Personalities are molded,

skills are developed, experience of the ages

is blended with the originality of the youth it serves.

Nothing beyond these doors remains static-

every person stepping over these thresholds finds himself

in ever-changing worlds. The 1954 TOWER

is the story of these people and

these thresholds.


----------- 3 -----------

Verne C. Fryklund, Ph.D.


John Jarvis, Ph.D.

Dean of Industrial Education

Alice J. Kirk, Ed.D.


of Home Economics

Ray W'gen, M.A.

Director of Graduate Studies

Ralph G. Iverson, Ed.D.

Director of Personnel Services

Keturah Antrim, Ph.M.


of Women

Merle M. Price, M.A.

Dean of Men

Dwight Agnew, Ph.D.

Head of Department and Associate Professor of Social


Martha Amon, M.S.

Head of Department of Related Art and Assistant

Professor of Home Economics

Herbert Anderson, Ed.D.

Assistant Professor of Industrial Education

Herman Arneson, M.A.

Assistant Professor of Science and Mathematics

Marguerite A. Cain, B.A.


Gertrude Cal'ahan, Ph.M.

Head of Department and Professor of English

Clara Carrison, M.S.

Assistant Professor of Home Economics

Dwight Chinnock, M.A.

Associate Professor of Education

of Speech

Mary Clark, M.S.

Instructor of Home Economics

Raymond Cornwell, M.S.

Instructor of Industrial Education

Eleanor Cox, M.A.

Associate Professor of Science and Mathematics

Marjory Elliot, A.M.

Assistant Professor of Home Economics

Irene Erdlitz, M.A.

Instructor of Physical Education

Thomas Fleming, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of English

Wauneta Hain, M.A.

Assistant Professor of English and Speech

Myron Harbour, Ph.M.

Assistant Professor of Science and Mathematics

Victor Hardt, M.Ed.

Head of Department and Assistant Professor of Music

Margaret Harper, M.S.

Assistant Professor of Home Economics

Lillian Jeter, M.A.

Head of Department of Clothing and Textiles and

Professor of Home Economics

Ray Johnson, M.A.

Head of Department and Associate Professor of Physical


Floyd Keith, M.S.

Head of Department of Metalworking and Professor of

Industrial Education


----------- 4 -----------

of Science and

Head of Departmént


Ella Jane Meiller, M.S.

ciate Professor of Home Economics

Harold Milnes, M.S.

Associate Projessor of Industrial Education

Head of Department of Food and Nutrition and Asso-

Arnold G. Ne'son, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of English

Ellen Nelson, M.S.

Associate Professor of Home Economics

Otto Nitz, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Science and Mathematics

Ann Noble, M.S.

Head of Department of Home Economics Education and

Associate Professor of Home Economics

Erich Oetting, Ph.D.

Head of Department and Professor of Psychology and


K. T. Olson, M.S.

Associate Professor of Industrial Education

Charles Parmer, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Social Science

Ruth Parmer, B.S.

Assistant Instructor

Ernest Rawson, M.E.

Assistant Professor of Industrial Education

J. E. Ray, Ed.D.

Head of Department of Drafting and Professor of Indus-

trial Education

Matthew Reneson, M.A.

Instructor of Science and Mathematics

Corydon Rich, Ph.M.

Associate Professor of Science and Mathematics

Robert Rudiger, Ed.D.

Assistant Professor of Education

Phillip Ruehl, M.S.

Assistant Professor of Industrial Education

Guy Salyer, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Psychology and Education

Edwin Siefert, M.E.

Assistant Professor of Industrial Education

Benita Smith, M.S.

Associate Professor of Home Economics and Director

of Nursery School

George Soderberg, M.S.

Assistant Professor of Industrial Education

Robert Swanson, M.S.

Instructor of Industrial Education

O. Ardis Thvedt, M.S.

Instructor of Home Economics

Gladys Trullinger, M.S.

Home Management Residence

Assistant Professor of Home Economics and Director of

----------- 5 -----------

Abbott, Jerome, III-32

Adams, Mary, II–36, 86

Ader, Vern, III– 81

Agerlie, Oliver, IV–80, 88, 76, 86, 70,

61, 21

Ajon, Emiliano, Sp-

Amyx, Elwin, III–30

Andersen, James, Grad-62, 116

Andersen, Mary, III-31, 77, 60, 65

Anderson, Beatrice, IV-75, 21

Anderson, Dianne, I-39

Anderson, Donna, IV-24, 74, 86, 60,

65, 84

Anderson, Helen, I-43

Anderson, Joan, II–93, 90, 36

anderson, John, III-

Anderson, Kris, I-39

Anderson, Lucile, I-43

Anderson, Lyle, III-30

Anderson, Richard, I-39

Appel, Betty, III–31

Argudo, Marcos, Sp-68

Asp, Mary, III-

Austin, Barbara, I-43

Babcock, Jocelyn, I-46

Bahr, Fred, IV-67, 79, 21

Bain, Jo Anne, III-

Baker, Jean, III–31, 72, 86, 69

Baker, Thomas, I-39

Banner, Carol, III–31, 77, 65

Bargen, Nancy, II-93, 90, 36, 75

Barnhart, Vivian, IV-93, 90, 24, 66,

86, 65

Barry, David, I–39

Barthman, Jerry, I–39

Battist, Eugene, I–39, 103

Bauers, William, IV-24

Baumann, Gerald, II-35

Beck, Eugene, I–78

BeDell, Betsy, II–36, 74

Behrents, Ruth, IV-24, 65

Beiswanger, Roland, II-36

Belisle, Dorothy, II-93, 90, 36, 75, 69

Bell, August, IV-67, 61, 62, 116, 21

Belt, Floyd, I-39

Benedict, Janet, IV-93, 90, 24, 75

Benson, Judith, I-43, 82

Benzie, Barbara, I-43

Beran, Donald, IV-25, 64, 81, 62

Beran, Maryann, IV-25, 72, 77, 21

Berg, Richard, III-32, 80

Bergh, Roger, II–36, 78

Berghuis, Carole, I-

Berthlein, Carl, Grad-71, 116

Bessler, Lynda, I-43, 82, 88

Betzel, Mary, IV-25, 66

Beyer, Doris, IV-93, 91, 25

Beyer, Willam, II-36, 81, 62

Beyl, David, II-91, 36, 78, 76

Bilse, Richard, IV-80, 116, 21

Bickinbine, Romayne, I-43

Bischel, K. Jeanette, III-30


----------- 6 -----------

Kaecker, Carolle, I-92, 91, 38

Kane, Betty. IV-23, 74

Kane, Mary, II–35

Kane, Rita, IV-23

Kappler, LeRoy, IV–27

Kay, Mary, II–36

Kelley, Rosemary, II-35, 74, 88, 86

Kelling, Richard, II-

Kelly, Alice, IV–26

Kennedy, Mary, I–38, 82

Keys, Carol, I–-38, 82

Kichefski, James, IV-78, 63, 21

Kindschy, Marion, I–38, 82

King, Helen, I-38

King, Virgil, IV–23, 80

Kirscht, Eugene, I–38

Kirk, Violet, –38, 82

Kitto, Thomas, I–67, 88, 79, 71, 62

Klabunde, Ralph, I–105, 44

Kleber, Betty, IV–27

Klemme, Diane, III–93, 90, 31, 30, 75

Kleveno, Alfred, I–113

Klosterman, Wallace, II-

Klug, Richard, I–38

Kneisler, Frederick, IV–27, 80, 61

Knobeck, Wilbert, IV–27, 67, 62


Knopps, Jacob, I–38, 70

Korth, Dudley, I–43

Koch, Carol, III-93, 90, 30

Koch, Donald, III–92, 90, 42

Koch, Joseph, I–38

Kort, Louis, III–64, 79

Kratsch, Walter, I-103, 38

Krause, Marlene, I-92, 90, 42

Krehl, John, I–38

Kreuzer, James, III-32, 80

Krofta, Don, I–39, 86

Krueger, Deanne, III-32, 86

Krueger, Donovan, IV-23

Krueger, Marvin, IV–23, 62, 95, 117

Krysiak, Harry, II–35, 80

Kubis, Elaine, II–

Kuboyama, Kazukiyo, I-39, 70

Kurath, Nancy, IV–23, 68

LeBine William, II-35, 78

rbara, I–39

LaDuke, Judith, I–42, 82

Lamke, Joel, II–70

Landfald, Jennie, IV–27, 77, 60

Larson, Judith, II–35

Lathrope, Virgin'a, III-92, 90, 32, 75,

Laudon, Grace, IV-27, 73, 77, 84

Lausted, James, I–44, 70

Leader, James, Grad–117

Lebegue, Duane, Grad-68, 117

Lehman, Ear!,


Lehman, Kenneth, –107, 42

Lehmann, Elinor, IV-27, 86, 77


Lemkuil, Jeanne, I–40

Lenez, John, I42

Leonard, Bruce, II-105, 35, 64, 79

Lewis, Ronald, I43, 113

Loew, Al, III–103, 31, 64, 81

Lopas, Sylvia, II–37




----------- 7 -----------

Lorenzen, Don, I–39

Loushin, Jerome, Sp 27, 81

Loveland, Larry, I–44

Lowney, Roger, I–105, 44

Luetkemeyer, Joe, Grad-80, 63, 117

Lundeen, Carol, II-36

McNeight, Gloria, I–38, 82

McVicar, Charlotte, I44

McTrusty, Everett, IV-27

Mahn, Richard, IV-27

Mallan, Lois, I–42, 82

Mann, Phillip, IV-27, 76, 79, 86, 62

Manogian, Mike, I-43

Marko, Edward, IV-23

Marose, Frank, I41

Marquart, Joann, I–38

Martens, Lyle, I–103, 42

Maves, Gordon, II-92, 91, 37, 80, 85,


Mayer, Delphine, I41, 82

Medin, Della, I-44, 38, 82

Meihsner, Reinhold, I-107, 44

Meives, Kay, I–39

Mense, Donald, Sp-

Mertes, Avis, II–35

Messex, Gerald, I42

Messmer, Ernest, I-39

Mikitarian, Sam, IV-27, 66, 79

Miles, Romona, I–44

Miller, Donald, Sp 42, 70

Miller, Helen, I41

Miller, Neil, III–41

Mitchell, Colleen, IV-23, 72

Mittelstaedt, William, II-

Moessner, Keith, I-

Moline, Bert, IV-93, 91, 23, 71

Moore, Thomas, IV-27, 117

Morgan, Phyl'is, I–44, 82

Morneau, Joan, I-

Motyka, Jane, II–34

Mountford, Joan, II-35, 66, 74, 88

Murdzek, Marilyn, I–40, 82

Myrick, Eileen, I42

Nadeau, James, II–102, 78

Nash, Sarah, II–37, 88

Neas, Darlene, III–93, 91, 30, 73, 88

Neerhof, Donna, II–37

Negard, Donald, I41

Neis, Dorothy, II–37, 73

Nelson, Faye, II–35


Nelson, James, I-

Nelson, Orville, II-36

Nelson, Patricia, II–37

Ness, Barbara, II–35, 91, 74

Gareth, I–

Nessler, William,


Newman, Marjorie, II-37, 65

Nicla, Marvin, IV–27, 80

Nisen, Marguerite, IV–27

Noltner, Robert, II–34, 37, 102, 78

Novinski, Irene, II-34

Leona, I-


Nowak, Louise,

Nowicki, Edward, III-35, 63

Nulton, Eunice, III–31, 65, 68

Oakeson, John, II-34, 37, 102, 78, 64



-35, 65


----------- 8 -----------

Warnecke, James, II-37, 79

Warsinske, Richard, Sp-31, 67, 79

Weber, James, 1–-44

Wedin, Kay, III–32, 30, 72, 86, 60, 84

Wei, Chun Wen, Sp-

Wegner, Jean, I–93, 90, 42

Wendt, David, III–103, 31, 78, 63

Wenger, Louise, IV-90, 24, 75, 66, 118,


West, Janice, II–36

Westerback, Dale, I-

Westrom, Marvin, I-44

Wick, Gerald, II–102

Wick, Nathalie, I–42, 82

Wicken, Viola, II–35, 72

Wickstrom, Carol, I–41

Widmar, John, IV–105, 24

Wielgus, Daniel, II-92, 91, 37, 80

Wihig, Kenneth, –44

Wilcenski, Adeline, II-37

Wilhelm, Ronald, III-102, 31, 64, 81

Wilke, Harriet, II–35

Williams, Lewis, I–103, 37

Willmarth, Roy, IV-78, 63, 21

Wills, Vernon, II–103, 37, 81

Winek, Louis, Grad-118

Winter, Ruth, II–37, 74, 82

Wisniewski, Joe, I-103, 42

Woelfer, Don, II–

Wolfe, William, I-44

Wood, Jean, III–30, 65

Woodliff, Ronald, II-37, 64

Wormet, Barbara, III-32, 74

Wurtz, Janice, IV–24, 74, 60

Yentz, Caroline, II–93, 90, 37, 74

Young, Carol, II–35, 66

Young, David, II–

Young, James, Grad-118

Zander, Zane, II–37, 81

Zeasman, James, Grad-67, 118

Zenisek, Carl, I–44

Ziegler, Ruth, 44, 82

Zillman, Edward, I-103, 44

Zimmerman, Althea, III–31, 32

Zimmerman, Gordon, I-92, 90, 40

Zirbel, Louise, IV–93, 91, 29, 73

Zittleman, Donald, IV-93, 91, 31, 81

Zuege, Carol, IV–29, 24, 67, 75, 66

Zwick, LeRoy, I–107, 44