

Mens bracelet

This beautiful bracelet is made from the finest

Lapis Lazuli 6mm gemstones beads with Tibetan Silver Spacers


Communication, Intuition, Inner Power
Primary Chakras: Throat, Third Eye, Crown

Lapis Lazuli is a blue gemstone that is considered to be very spiritual. Wearing lapis is thought to help overcome shyness and timidity, bringing inner harmony and increasing your spiritual levels, whilst helping to win over the affection of others. It is also thought to enhance fidelity within marriage.  It bonds relationships, aiding in expression of feelings and emotions. 

Dark Blue Lapis is for enhancing respect and compassion in ourselves. Dark blue crystals teach us humanity, discretion, and honor. They help us act more charitably, and focus our efforts on service to others. They teach us grace, sensitivity to the needs of others, and tenderness in our dealings.

Lapis Lazuli is a stone of protection that may be worn to guard against psychic attacks, quickly release stress, and bring deep peace. It brings harmony and deep inner self-knowledge. Encourages self-awareness, allows self-expression and reveals inner truth, providing qualities of honesty, compassion and morality to the personality. Stimulates objectivity, clarity and encourages creativity. Lapis Lazuli assists to confront and speak one’s truth and inspires confidence.

Today it is a valuable talisman for gaining respect, keeping negative energy away, and for helping us to remember to be humble in our dealings with others. It is extensively used in honoring Goddesses, and it is a potent healing crystal for dealing with blockages of the throat chakra.

Lapis Lazuli helps to foster full verbal expression, and clears problems caused by “swallowing your tongue”. Lapis encourages clear, truthful expression when sharing information with others, including an easier voicing/communication of anger.

 LAPIS AFFIRMATION: I see clearly and speak with confidence.


Please message me to specify your wrist size

 if you want a different size . 

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Please note that color may differ from actual real life color due to Monitor calibration.

All photos are for reference only. To present the most accurate on-line product possible, the photos have been taken in natural daylight and have had very little modifications other than cropping, resizing. Certain stones may have more color saturation when photographed. They will appear lighter and brighter. They simply reflect light differently 

Depending on the lighting within your environment, the texture and /or colors may not match 100% of these photos.