Improves Vision
Healthy Eyes

Made in USA

3 Bottles 180 Softgels

Eye Benefits Of Lutein And Zeaxanthin:

Lutein and Zeaxanthin are two nutrients play a role in the eye as components of macular pigment. They act as antioxidants that help filter blue light and help reduce macular oxidative damage. Because they can filter blue light, Lutein and Zeaxanthin help protect the macula.

Lutein and Zeaxanthin cannot be produced by our bodies on their own, so they must be obtained through diet and/or supplements.

There is very good evidence that the lutein helps protect against cataracts and macular degeneration, two common, age-related eye disorders. Lutein and another carotenoid, zeaxanthin, form the yellow pigment of the retina and absorb blue light, a harmful component of sunlight. In addition, new evidence from a study completed last year showed that lutein may help protect against clogging of the carotid arteries in the neck, an indication of atherosclerosis, the disease that leads to most heart attacks. The study, at the University of Southern California, found that participants with the highest levels of lutein in the blood at the outset had no increase in plaque in the arteries throughout the 18 months of the study. Just the opposite occurred among those with the lowest lutein levels at the outset – arterial clogging worsened. The researchers also doused sections of human arteries removed during surgery with high concentrations of lutein. They found that these arteries attracted fewer white cells, which are involved in the process that results in clogging.

In nature, lutein and zeaxanthin appear to absorb excess light energy to prevent damage to plants from too much sunlight, especially from high-energy light rays called blue light.

Recent research has discovered a third carotenoid in the macula. Called meso-zeaxanthin, this pigment is not found in food sources and appears to be created in the retina from ingested lutein.

Lutein and zeaxanthin appear to have important antioxidant functions in the body. Along with other natural antioxidants, including vitamin C, beta-carotene and vitamin E, these important pigments guard the body from damaging effects of free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can destroy cells and play a role in many diseases.

In addition to important eye and vision benefits, lutein may help protect against atherosclerosis (buildup of fatty deposits in arteries), the disease that leads to most heart attacks.

A number of studies have found that lutein and zeaxanthin either help prevent AMD or may slow progression of the disease:

Research published in Nutrition & Metabolism found that a nutritional supplement containing meso-zeaxanthin, lutein and zeaxanthin effectively increased the optical density of the macular pigment in eyes of the majority of human subjects. The macular pigment is believed to offer protection against the development of macular degeneration.

Studies published in American Journal of Epidemiology, Ophthalmology and Archives of Ophthalmology found higher levels of lutein and zeaxanthin in the diet are associated with a lower incidence of AMD.

Two studies published in Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science found that eyes with greater levels of macular pigments were less likely to have or develop macular degeneration.

In research published in Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, the study authors conclude that lutein, zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin filter short-wavelength light and prevent or reduce the generation of free radicals in the retinal pigment epithelium and choroid. They also suggest that a mixture of these carotenoids is more effective than any one of the individual carotenoids at the same total concentration.

In a study published in the journal Optometry, participants with early AMD who consumed dietary zeaxanthin for one year improved their night driving and their visual acuity improved an average of 1.5 lines on an eye chart.

Eye Benefits of Bilberry Extract:

During the Second World War, RAF pilots noticed that their night vision improved after eating bilberry jam. Their anecdotal reports led to scientific research into the bilberry.

The health-promoting components of the ripe fruit consist primarily of flavonoid compounds known as anthocyanosides, and the modern medicinal form of bilberry is an extract containing a highly concentrated amount of these compounds.

These anthocyanosides are potent antioxidants, which help counteract cell damage caused by the unstable oxygen molecules known as free radicals.

Nowadays Bilberry is commonly recommended for a range of medical conditions, particularly:

  • Maintaining healthy vision, improving night vision, and poor visual adaptation to bright light.
  • Diabetic retinopathy, cataracts and macular degeneration.
  • Varicose veins and haemorrhoids.

Bilberry is well known for maintaining healthy vision, as well as helping with various eye disorders. Particularly, bilberry helps the retina to adapt properly to light and dark, and has therefore been widely used to treat night blindness, as well as poor vision resulting from daytime glare. It has the ability to strengthen the tiny blood vessels called capillaries which helps to deliver oxygen rich blood to the eyes. It may therefore play a significant role in prevention and treatment of degenerative diseases of the retina (retinopathy).

Bilberry is used for both cataracts and macular degeneration, two leading causes of sight loss in older people. Glaucoma is another eye condition which benefits greatly from the use of bilberry extract.

In Italy, bilberry’s anthocyanosides have even been recommended as a treatment for myopia (short or near sightedness).

Supplement Facts: 
Serving Size: 1 Quick Release Softgel
Servings Per Container: 60

Amount per serving:

Lutein (from marigold petal extract)  - 20mg
Zeaxanthin (from marigold petal extract) - 1mg
Bilberry Extract (Vaccinium myrtillus) (fruit) - 2.2mg
(standardized to 25% anthocyanins)

Other Ingredients: Safflower Oil, Gelatin, Vegetable Glycerin, Lecithin, Beeswax, Annatto Extract (Natural Color), Titanium Dioxide (Natural Color).

Do not exceed the recommended dose. This product is not intended for pregnant or nursing mothers or children under the age of 18.


eye vision - EYE VISION GUARD - lutein 20mg - 180 Softgels 3 Bottles